Mrs. Olsen: Ready for today's test?
Caulfield: I'm approaching it like Miss Plainwell would a big race.
Mrs. Olsen: Oh. That's a good...what?
Caulfield: Well?
Mrs. Olsen: What is this "swag bag" he's expecting?
Frazz: Only the nest idea ever!
Squizzums over 9 years ago
And you don’t even have to run the entire race to get one!
Agent54 over 9 years ago
New disguise for a “trophy for everyone and no one loses”.Just shaped in a clever coverup.
Bilan over 9 years ago
Does he get a shirt that reads Third Grade History Test – Finisher?
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member over 9 years ago
He can have the swag bag as soon as he pays the entry fee.
whiteheron over 9 years ago
Something for nothing, And your chicks for free.
pshapley Premium Member over 9 years ago
Last week there were 3 days of state mandated testing at the school where I work. Different classes had different incentives for perfect attendance. Some offered movies or pizza, but one teacher is getting a Mohawk since his class all showed up all week. His kids say it’s the best incentive ever.
Laynegg over 9 years ago
LOL! Sorry about that, my ring finger got a little heavy… ;D
Pipe Tobacco over 9 years ago
“Swag” used to have a different meaning back in the 60s.
water_moon over 9 years ago
Manufactures and stores call them coozies too. Or Koozies, see wikipedia