Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for June 16, 2015
Joanie: Hi. It's the pregnant lady. Rick: Hi, pregnant lady. How's it going out there? Joanie: Pretty good. I'm all settled into my new office, and Lacey is already out campaigning. I must say, it's really an experience watching her meet with people. She's certainly not shy about standing on her record! Lacey: ...and here are some of the votes I'm proudest of. Worker 1: Hmm... not bad. Worker 2: Boy! Looks like you voted your conscience right down the line!
BE THIS GUY over 9 years ago
A politician with a conscience, believe it or not.
Argythree over 9 years ago
In other words, not a politician…
Pointspread over 9 years ago
We could use more Lacy Davenports.
Major_JF over 9 years ago
The smaller the position the easier it is to have a conscience.
Diane Lee Premium Member over 9 years ago
The guy who owns the construction company is very likely to be making less than $200 thousand a year. That doesn’t even put him in the ballpark. The guys who buy the elections don’t even talk in numbers that are less than several million, usually billions.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
( The problem lies with the fact people whom we dislike are ALSO free to speak in support of candidates and causes we DON’T support. It comes down to whether or not you favor freedom of speech for everybody or just the RIGHT people. Those pushing to amend to overturn Citizens oppose real freedom of speech. )
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
Citizens United began as an argument over whether a Republican financed Movie about Hillary Clinton was a Campaign Commercial or not.And, if it WAS a Campaign Commercial, it violated Campaign Finance Laws because of the Cost of both Making it and Airing it on TV. .The Republicans claimed that it wasn’t “Political Advertising” because it was 80 Minutes long and they should be able to spend as much money as they wanted on Hatchet Job Movies..Somehow, the Supreme Court managed to twist the whole thing into Gutting Campaign Finance laws. .Somehow the ability to Buy a Bigger Megaphone got turned into the whole “Money is Speech” travesty..
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago
You can tell this is fiction because of the presence of a member of Congress a) with a conscience, and b) who votes according to said conscience. The altruists all eventually give up their seat.