Oh, Susan, that was so awful it was awesome. I finally had to quit about halfway through. I wasn’t sure some of those folks were evening singing The Star Spangled Banner. They must have had something else in mind.
@SusanSunshineBut then I went to the handmade music video.That was MUCH better than my limited imagination could produce..Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you..Did I mention thank you?
x_Tech over 9 years ago
Some of Trout’s “Uncles” have been practicing over at the the campfire
fishbulb239 over 9 years ago
Now this should be made into a Hallmark card commemorating the day.
Aaberon over 9 years ago
Burned hotdogs and melting marshmallows on a stick. Yum!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 9 years ago
Ok…. for the “family-friendly” version….
Click Here
To all!
gzitver over 9 years ago
Darn! We missed the parade.
J Short over 9 years ago
Must be tough when uncle Ted gets to that part; O’er the land of the free.
Dani Rice over 9 years ago
Oh, Susan, that was so awful it was awesome. I finally had to quit about halfway through. I wasn’t sure some of those folks were evening singing The Star Spangled Banner. They must have had something else in mind.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
@SusanSunshineBut then I went to the handmade music video.That was MUCH better than my limited imagination could produce..Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you..Did I mention thank you?