Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 04, 2015

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    Zachstar777  over 9 years ago


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    Templo S.U.D.  over 9 years ago

    Sidewalk, Lucy? Surely you mean in the yard.

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    drogers30  over 9 years ago

    Yeah me too!!

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    rongillmore  over 9 years ago

    …bad colorist…

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  5. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 9 years ago

    There needs to be some kind of rule that the folks who do the coloring of old comics (and new ones too where the actual cartoonist doesn’t color their dailies but online sites get someone to color them, show both read the comic and know what their doing. Like TMO1 pointed out, look at that sky. Ok, so the colorist figured they were in a yard and colored the ground all green to show grass. Fine, as long as we ignore the commentary. But the sky? Obviously we could have grey in the foreground to show a sidewalk and then green grass beyond the sidewalk. Then a blue sky, maybe with some pink and orange tinge for morning and red or varying shades of darker blue tinging for evening at the top of the frames.

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    therese_callahan2002  over 9 years ago

    Lucy, here in Boston, I see homeless people do that all the time.

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Flashold… exactly!PLUS, he (or she) is using Schulz’s chosen colors.

    Cartoonists have traditionally colored their own Sunday strips…the dailies were printed in black and white.Peanuts followed that pattern…so the Sundays here were colored by Charles Schulz himself.

    When newspapers and then websites started wanting everything in color, the publishers (syndicates) hired colorists to fill in the dailies. It’s a low-paid, very part-time job… mostly a labor of love for a few people who really like doing it.

    They usually get paid for only about 10 minutes to work on each day’s strip, on the computer…. that’s ONE low-paid hour to color a whole six-day week of strips.

    Any more is on their own time. So yes, sometimes they miss a word or two, while trying to get the coloring done.Ten minutes, people!

    Some cartoonists set guidelines for colors, some don’t. Peanuts is very tightly controlled by “Peanuts Worldwide” … you can bet they choose colors.

    If you look at a Sunday strip, or even a Peanuts book, you’ll see that Schulz himself colored the sky or the walls a different pastel in each frame or page. He thought of it as a background, not necessarily the sky.He didn’t do “realistic” skies, or shading, preferring decorative blocks of flat color.

    It’s a famous part of his art, one which many other cartoonists have copied.I think time has shown that he knew what he was doing…. The colorists, of course, do it his way, and use his color palette. It’s not up to them to decide how the sky “should” have been done!

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    gammaguy  over 9 years ago

    The question has him so disturbed that now he won’t be able to sleep.

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    dustspecks Premium Member over 9 years ago

    …now go back to sleep, Snoopy.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    How can anyone not?

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    eddie6192  over 9 years ago

    Can’t be done as long as Lucy Interruptus is roaming the sidewalk.

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    Constantinepaleologos  over 9 years ago

    This is why they need to stop coloring in the daily strips. Schulz left them black and white for a reason.

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    gmasj  over 9 years ago

    Multi-talented dog!

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    jessegooddoggy  over 9 years ago

    A few summers ago I came across a bear sleeping under a bush not 5 feet off an extremely popular trailhead in the eastern sierra. I would never have seen him if my dog hadn’t stopped and sniffed at this bush like crazy. We watched several hikers walk right by. Silly old bear was likely the same one that patrolled the lake each day taking fish from any fisherman that had left his catch laying about.

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    Silly people! The reason for all the goofy colors in the strip is because Snoopy is dreaming…

    …in color!

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    Godfreydaniel  over 9 years ago

    The “Calvin and Hobbes” daily reruns on GoComics are in the black and white that their creator and God intended. “Lio’s” new dailies are, too. “Li’l Abner” only has a few arcs, but they’re all in the original. My newspaper, “The Kansas City Star” still prints the dailies in black and white, though I’m sure it’s in the minority these days. And of course I have a couple hundred of the old pocket paperbacks of comic strips ranging from “Andy Capp” to “Ziggy.” Black and white never bothers me.

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    Number Three  over 9 years ago

    I remember waking up on the opposite side of my bedroom where the light switch is.

    I just remember switching on the light and then waking up. That’s the only time I’ve ever sleepwalked.


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    cubswin2016  over 9 years ago

    Did you expect Snoopy to answer you, Lucy?

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    Pamella W  over 9 years ago

    Peach: warm tone, yellow: cool tone, pink: skin tone, green: earth tone. Snoopy’s body language; Consider the source!

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    the geeezer  over 9 years ago

    It was a rhetorical question Snoopy – don’t stew about an answer !

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    mulder42  over 9 years ago

    Maybe they just want to show off the pastel colors. I can’t believe some of you are actually complaining about this. Just enjoy the strip, and let it put a smile on your face! :)

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  22. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 9 years ago


    Happy Birthday to you! I was thinking about you all day today and couldn’t wait to post this comment. I hope your day has been everything you’ve hoped for. When you get time, I have sent you an email with a few attachments. I think I have an idea which attachment you’re looking forward to the most!-As usual, I appreciated your comment last week. It made me laugh when you said that you were surprised that my background check was clear. How dare you! Hahahaha. By the way, I may not be commenting tomorrow for a few days but I’ll be back before you know it. Don’t miss me! Impossible, I know.-Well, I won’t rattle on too much so I’ll let you get on with the rest of your birthday. I hope you are feeling 100% better. Have a beautiful weekend!-Birthday Hugs & Kisses!


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  23. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  over 9 years ago

    Beagle on a sidewalkTaking a snoozeLucy comes up…gives Snoopy some abuse

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