Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 27, 2015
Luann: "Hi, Quill! I've been waiting to hear from you!" Quill: "Sorry. It's been CRAZY here! New York is awesome! There's -" Luann: "I can't wait to go with you at Christmas!" Quill: "-six interns in the theater program, and we were put to work right away! It's been go, go, go!!" Quill: "I'm teamed with a girl named Prudence, and - " Luann: "Ok, stop"
SF1972 over 9 years ago
“Prudence will be a deciding factor” – Dez
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Uh-oh. Luann’s starting to like this thanks to Tiffany putting the thought into her head.
Ida No over 9 years ago
New poll up: Should Luann make the posters for the warehouse?
Should Luann become a drama teacher?1) 14 votes – Yes, she’s already a drama queen2) 12 votes – No, she has enough drama in her life3) 7 votes – No, the rest of us have enough in your lives already4) 5 votes – Other.Other: She would have to earn a degree in it first.; She should become a cheap stripper; Only after she goes potty!; Too soon to be that specific; Yes
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Airman over 9 years ago
Yep, Dez is definitely the Voodoo lady. Amazing memories these Luann loyalists have.
cdgar over 9 years ago
Getting teamed is the beginning Quill
JayBluE over 9 years ago
I was going to go with “Social Insecurity” to start with, among other things, but due to the circumstances surrounding how this week will probably be developed, especially in connection with a “previous week”, I will choose to refrain. - If anyone needs me, I’ll be over at “Brewster’s”, getting a “JumpStart” to my vehicle, and partaking of some “Invisible Bread” and “Family Circus”es…see you on the “Dark Side Of the Horse”…
Argythree over 9 years ago
Well, some of us were hoping that Luann would meet someone new at her college. Maybe this is the beginning of that opportunity.
On the other hand, maybe the next day’s ‘toon will show Luann telling Quill that Dez told her ’Prudence’ would be decisive…
Mordock999 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Hey Q-Ball?
FRANKLY, I DON’T Think That THIS Would be a Good Time to Tell Lu That Because of Budgetary Constraints,YOU and “Dear Prudence” are SHARING the Same Room Together.
Scott Stevenson over 9 years ago
The sun is upThe sky is blueIt’s beautiful and so are youDear Prudence, won’t you come out to play?
Honestly, someone needs to make Luann understand that unless Quill joins a monastery, he’d going to be working with the occasional woman, and she can’t wig out every time it happens.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
“Prudence wants us to go out together. I tried telling her that I have a girlfriend, but there’s really just no arguing with anyone who’s so decisive!”
Airman over 9 years ago
Meanwhile, back at the dorm, Tiffany is trying to figure out why she keeps thinking about Gunther.
GOGOPOWERANGERS over 9 years ago
I think that Oz going to say that he going to stay in new york
Make Mine Marvel over 9 years ago
I concur, Night-Gaunt. If he’s that ready to move on, he was already done, even if he was enthusiastic about the relationship at one time.
But I don’t actually think Quill is done with Luann. Mind you, she could drive him away easily enough, she clearly has some insecurities to work through — but he’s a solid guy with a lot on the ball, and she knows it in her head, even if her heart hasn’t gotten the word yet.
Also, I don’t think Luann is anywhere near ready to let Tiffany know that it Didn’t Work Out with Quill.
Barry1941 over 9 years ago
Jealousy only drives people away.
wiselad over 9 years ago
according to Dez, Prudence would be the factor that would make Luann decide if she goes there or stays. either her “fears” makes her go ASAP, or somehow finds that she does not have to worry about Prudence by what Q says this week
TORAD_07 over 9 years ago
Wait’ll Luann finds out that Prudence is 73…
Ultra Cougar??? :-PPP
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Prudence may well be the deciding factor in whether Luann was right in choosing not to accompany Quill. Let’s see whether he comes back to Pitt raving about her “inner beauty”.
nickel_penny over 9 years ago
No one I know under 35 still talks over a phone… If you want to talk, you use video chat. Luann is a fun comic and all, but there are times when it’s painfully obvious that it’s written by an old guy from a different era.
nickel_penny over 9 years ago
He won’t leave because he’s around another woman, he’ll go because of Luann’s insecurities.
3pibgorn9 over 9 years ago
I’m thinking the Quill/Luann arc is on its way out. Poor Luann
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
G’day, Oz. Hellloooo, Mister Jock!!!
Pipe Tobacco over 9 years ago
8A very refreshing change of pace appears in order this week! IMO the reality here is that (bland) Quill’s teaming up with Prudence will be the impetus of a wholly “freaked out” state by Luann all week long. That much is fairly obvious.However, Luann really should have ample faith in Quill because he has always been trustworthy.If by some exceedingly remote chance Quill were to “stray” with Prudence…. that too should be valuable in the greater scheme of things for Luann. It would be a helluva lot better to know that Quill is a “roving tomcat” sort now so she can move on to other potential boyfriends rather than investing any more time in him.But, again, I think that there is really no risk of Quill tomcatting around. He has always seemed a trustworthy kid.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Why is it a matter of whether Quill is “tempted”, “unfaithful”, “roving”, etc.? They’re not married, they’re just going together in their first year of college. They were high-school sweethearts, nothing more. Most people don’t marry the person they dated in high school. Why should we expect Luann and Quill to do so? It’s far more common than one (or both) of them would simply meet someone new whom they just like better. That’s not a tragedy, it’s simply what happens as a normal part of life at these characters’ ages. The worst thing that could happen is that they always stay together no matter what, on account of Luann’s demonstrated possessiveness.
maverick1usa over 9 years ago
Luann: “I can’t wait to go with you at Christmas.” This is July & I thought this was a short summer internship but it seems Luann is planning a December trip to N to spend Christmas with Quill in 6 months!
Pipe Tobacco over 9 years ago
Implausible… to me (thus far)…. we are NOT seeing a “less than perfect Quill”. We do not know if Greg plans to make Quill interested in someone other than Luann (I doubt he will). What we are seeing is Luann and her insecurities flare up to the surface. She is insecure quite a lot of the time but keeps it under wraps. Now, with no real reason to be upset (other than the “prediction” by Dez) she is upset because in the 50-50 chance of a work partner pairing, the person Quill is paired with is a female (and named Prudence).
notbornyesterday over 9 years ago
Luann should’a gone to NYC with Quill, after all he did ask her. Okay MAYBE Quill would have been too busy to spend a LOT of time together during the day, there’s still the nights to share…and when you’re eighteen and legal, isn’t that the whole point? As to the days, sleeping in and seeing all the sights and attractions that NYC has to offer for ten days couldn’t be that bad.
Okay Luann had ZERO foresight, but let’s bet, she’ll have 20/20 hindsight.; and a lot of sleepless nights…and not the good kind’a sleepless nights either.
notbornyesterday over 9 years ago
And the whole “prudence” thing…couldn’t have seen that coming (hardee har har); and I hope she’s beautiful, sophisticated, adventuresome and fearless…in short everything that Luann is NOT.
notbornyesterday over 9 years ago
Oh Luann, by the way, don’t start counting your Christmas presents in July.
YatInExile over 9 years ago
Maybe Prudence is one of those ironic nicknames, like a slow guy being called “Lightning.”
ironman01 over 9 years ago
I don’t know about anyone else’s intern experience but, you are usually working way too hard to even think about sex and the people you work with are your professional colleagues. You don’t look at them as possible romantic partners.
Airman over 9 years ago
I hope Greg hasn’t forgotten how to draw Crystal, Knute, and Rosa. Sorry, but my mind wanders from story lines that I find dull.
wildirishrose over 9 years ago
And just how long is Quill supposed to be gone?
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Let’s see whether after the 10 days of intensive work is over, our favorite Aussie decides to extend his stay by spending the weekend in NYC, seeing the sights with Pru.
Doctor11 over 9 years ago
Uh oh…
SactoSylvia over 9 years ago
Unless, of course, it turns out to be like the fabled three-hour cruise! ;)
FireMedic over 9 years ago
“Girl afraid,Prudence never pays,and everything she wants costs money.”
TMO1 Premium Member over 9 years ago
“Prudence” is such an old-fashioned name. She’d probably come from an uptight religious family.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Must be prudent about Prudence, Luann!
Argythree over 9 years ago
Oy. Looks like rough weather ahead…