Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for August 06, 2015
Andre: The first thing we need for our comic book is a title. Loris: In big, block capital letters! Andre: Something that sounds like something. Loris: Yeah! One of those words! Petey: Onomatopoeia? Andre: Yeah! But with an exclamation point- ONOMATOPOEIA! Loris: Now all we need is a big finish and some stuff between it and the title. Petey: Maybe a long awkward pause.
Linux0s over 9 years ago
paha_siga over 9 years ago
Aren’t they a mighty team of comic-book-writer-superheroes??
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Loris understands how to build a comic book—Title, big finish, and some stuff in between. Petey’s filler would work only in a Little Neuro comic, I suspect. I bet Andre would suggest some explosions; big ones: KA-BLOOIE!
ellisaana Premium Member over 9 years ago
Don’t forget the full-page splash panel in the center.It is usually full of explosions.
cdward over 9 years ago
Ennui. BOOM! The End.
meillered over 9 years ago
Sometimes I think Petey IS a long awkward pause.
GROG Premium Member over 9 years ago
I don’t think I can handle all that excitement, Petey.
gawaintheknight over 9 years ago
gawaintheknight over 9 years ago
above link = Todd Rundgren’s classic song “onomatopoeia”
neatslob Premium Member over 9 years ago
Don’t forget the ads for X-ray specs, onion gum, soap that turns you black, and a REAL submarine!
Gokie5 over 9 years ago
Gee, Andre is bright. He knows how to spell onomatopoeia!
Ermine Notyours over 9 years ago
Since onomatopoeia describes the sounds animals make, it should be a book about talking animals.
JP Steve Premium Member over 9 years ago
“Incontinence on the carpet!”