Coach: Okay, Zig... let's begin your tennis lesson!
Ziggy: ...I need a better instructor, I keep hitting the ball right to him... and he keeps returning it to the opposite side of the court!!
Ziggy’s comment suggests that he’s a rank beginner. In that case, the instructor should start by giving him a chance to learn to hit the ball when it’s within reach. Only once he’s gotten fairly good at that is it time to place the ball where he has to work to reach it, making that gradually more difficult.
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Well, duh!
gammaguy over 9 years ago
Ziggy’s comment suggests that he’s a rank beginner. In that case, the instructor should start by giving him a chance to learn to hit the ball when it’s within reach. Only once he’s gotten fairly good at that is it time to place the ball where he has to work to reach it, making that gradually more difficult.
locake over 9 years ago
It would be a lot more fun for both players if they hit it to each other, back and forth. Like in badminton.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
No “Love” here today…
Mike H over 9 years ago
His nose is a big target.
Darque Hellmutt over 9 years ago
This is why I never took tennis. I tried to hit balls against a wall for practice, but they never came back to me….
cmbrach1999 over 9 years ago
Oh Ziggy, won’t you ever win?