It really is disturbing that during the Cold War, what with “1984” being published, satellites, and Communists everywhere, we as a culture were terrified of the idea that Unknown Persons were scrutinizing us. And now that the scenario has reached proportions not DREAMED of back then we shrug it off like the characters of another prescient story — the Eloi of “The Time Machine.”
You can always be on good terms with leftists if you will only surrender to their demands. The last six years prove it, that’s why the Russians love us just as we are now.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Ummmm, that is a disturbing and awkward image.
Al Nala over 9 years ago
Cabin in deep woods of Maine, or Alaska, or Oregon…
dogday Premium Member over 9 years ago
It really is disturbing that during the Cold War, what with “1984” being published, satellites, and Communists everywhere, we as a culture were terrified of the idea that Unknown Persons were scrutinizing us. And now that the scenario has reached proportions not DREAMED of back then we shrug it off like the characters of another prescient story — the Eloi of “The Time Machine.”
Comic Minister Premium Member over 9 years ago
Agreed Winslow.
Anweir88 over 9 years ago
Wow, that’s grade A conspiracy theory kookiness. Were you standing on a grassy knoll when you wrote it?
jbmlaw01 over 9 years ago
You can always be on good terms with leftists if you will only surrender to their demands. The last six years prove it, that’s why the Russians love us just as we are now.
Anweir88 over 9 years ago
You strongly implied that Kennedy was killed because he wanted to thaw the Cold War. Grade A, my friend, Grade A.