Janis: Hey! You got the wireless speakers working!
Arlo: You know me - 'Never say die'!
Janis: That's about all you didn't say!
Janis: I don't know about that music, though! Can we change it?
Arlo: Well...
Arlo: I'm not sure where it's coming from!
SR over 9 years ago
Is this really what you want to concern yourself with?
ralphyork666 over 9 years ago
Actually, I was making a comment from an illustrator’s point of view. Looking for flaws or inconsistencies from panel to panel. This is why some instruction manuals are so poorly done. Nobody checks for these flaws or inconsistencies. Maybe that is why they couldn’t get the blue tooth to sync.
kraftjeff over 9 years ago
actually the arm position is slightly changed… and it always happens….
jeanie5448 over 9 years ago
Really? is that all you see in this???? It is not something that MOST of us would notice, we just look at the cartoon, NOT the picky details….but if you want to go there, in panel 1 Arlo has no mouth, in panel 1 and 2 he only has 3 fingers on each hand but in panel 4 he has all of them……..picky enough?
Dani Rice over 9 years ago
Honestly, I’d expect this sort of bickering over a political cartoon, but this is a comic strip for the love of Mike. Behave yourselves, or I’m going to have to tell your mothers.
Ermine Notyours over 9 years ago
Perhaps the music is coming from the neighbor’s iPod.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
A qualified success
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
@ralphyork666“Maybe you should move to Japan, they seem to be addicted to cartoon porn, you can see all the cartoon girls showing all that you want to. :-)”.He didn’t say it turned him on.(Not that Janis doesn’t, of course.)Simple detail consideration..Other than that, how are we knowledgeable about Japanese proclivities?
ChessPirate over 9 years ago
It would appear that some device has found the speakers. Now, all you have to do is find the device! :-)
wes tnt over 9 years ago
if Janis wasn’t so flat in the first place, we wouldn’t have this problem……..
CarolinaGirl over 9 years ago
@Tarredandfeathered You called it yesterday! Looks like maybe the neighbors have Bluetooth!
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member over 9 years ago
Wow…this comments area took an awkward turn…
ARLOS DAD over 9 years ago
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
@DavidHuieGreen“If you have ever or do use internet movie sites to stream movies ".Mystery solved, since I don’t.
slsharris over 9 years ago
There’s more to a comic strip than “little inconsistences” — like the ability to sustain an arc, be relatively consistent in character behavior and development — and manage to get a contract with a syndicate and sustain the interest of the public for years so that you can keep that contract.
Arm postition? Geez! Is THAT the best you got?
BTW — I’ve worked in publications for decades (as an artist/illustrator and a writer) and I’m not bothered by this…