Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for September 02, 2015
September 01, 2015
September 03, 2015
Phoebe: You should move your large invisible thing. Marigold: It is a pain to move. It does not have wheels. I have another plan. Phoebe: You never did tell me what it is. Marigold: I keep telling you, I have never SEEN it.
Let’s see, it’s about eight feet high, and thin enough to fit in a triangle that’s roughly five feet by five feet by three feet (all estimated of course). I’m guessing the world’s biggest slice of cake inside a cake container.
If a unicorn owns it, and it is invisible… then it must be something even more beautiful than them! That is the only thing that makes sense isn’t it? Even more impressive than a mirror reflecting themselves. Oh! Maybe it is a large tri-mirror vanity(heh, vanity) with lights or something! That would explain why it is triangle shaped and heavy!
Still, I do hope the comic comes back to revisit it and reveal what it is.
“It went “zip” when it moved and “bop” when it stopped,And “whirr” when it stood still.I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will."
By Tom Paxton. :) I still wonder, if Marigold could make the Large Invisible Thing move, then she and Phoebe can at least hear see what types of sounds it makes, like zip, bop, and whirr. But still, if they can’t find a way to make it visible, they’ll still never know just what it was and I guess they never will! ;) (Thank you, Mr. Paxton; I love that song and love doing parodies of the songs I love!)
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
I’m with Marigold in the final panel. Get with the program, Phoebe!
TheGrandMugwump over 9 years ago
Phoebe just doesn’t want to accept it’s a large invisible thing nothing more and nothing less.
Zero-Gabriel over 9 years ago
Unicorn… :)
strangeanimal over 9 years ago
applause love it!
William T. Goat, Esq. over 9 years ago
If she wants to move it, she could levitate it.
If she needs to see it to levitate it, she could paint it.
DDrazen over 9 years ago
“Move Your Large Invisible Thing.” Best. Bumper Sticker. EVER!
gammaguy over 9 years ago
Tom Paxton’s “Marvelous Toy”?
pumaman over 9 years ago
What does it smell like?
Mataata over 9 years ago
It’s apparently triangular.
Stephen Gilberg over 9 years ago
Huh, not as large as I thought.
kaykeyser over 9 years ago
So how many invisible things are there? I say paint it or put a tarp over it you’ll then know its shape at least.
Simon_Jester over 9 years ago
Marigold has a great future in traffic engineering
fuzzybritches over 9 years ago
I really want some of that yellow tape!
Comic Minister Premium Member over 9 years ago
Oh well.
Stellagal over 9 years ago
Let’s see, it’s about eight feet high, and thin enough to fit in a triangle that’s roughly five feet by five feet by three feet (all estimated of course). I’m guessing the world’s biggest slice of cake inside a cake container.
Stellagal over 9 years ago
Invisible cake tastes the best or worst, depends on which kind it is.
Aerotendo over 9 years ago
If a unicorn owns it, and it is invisible… then it must be something even more beautiful than them! That is the only thing that makes sense isn’t it? Even more impressive than a mirror reflecting themselves. Oh! Maybe it is a large tri-mirror vanity(heh, vanity) with lights or something! That would explain why it is triangle shaped and heavy!
Still, I do hope the comic comes back to revisit it and reveal what it is.
tgrfemme over 9 years ago
“It went “zip” when it moved and “bop” when it stopped,And “whirr” when it stood still.I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will."
By Tom Paxton. :) I still wonder, if Marigold could make the Large Invisible Thing move, then she and Phoebe can at least hear see what types of sounds it makes, like zip, bop, and whirr. But still, if they can’t find a way to make it visible, they’ll still never know just what it was and I guess they never will! ;) (Thank you, Mr. Paxton; I love that song and love doing parodies of the songs I love!)
Coyoty Premium Member over 9 years ago
It’s Ben Grimm’s body after Sue Richards tried to hide it.
Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 9 years ago
Just blow sparkles at it.
pkap over 9 years ago
Somewhere, this needs to be an art installation.
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 8 months ago
Probably an invisible TARDIS. :)