Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for September 04, 2015
richard's poor almanac by richard thompson who is the fictional character of the millennium? after careful consideration for almost 18 seconds we have compiled this ballot of those fictional characters who we feel best represent the fears & aspirations of this millennium. now it's up to you! mail ballots to fcotm c/o the post. shermie, the real star of "peanuts." emanuelle, part I but not part ii. poor yorrick, the bard's famous sad clown. a sneetch. the plain-belied type. m mikey, microsoft's lovable mole rat mascot. a chick fro some jane austen novel, we forget which. a vast right-wing conspirator. the third pig snap, but not crackle or pop
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago
Definitely the sneetch.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago
Definitely NOT Pock, Snackle, or Crap.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
I’ll vote for the CHICK, ’cause I am not sure why people are so fascinated by Austen novels—but they are.
Cilliers over 9 years ago
I vote the entire list, and by extension, Richard himself!
pumaman over 9 years ago
I’ve seen them all before except for the mole rat. At least it’s not that stupid Microsoft Office paper clip.
Karl Hiller over 9 years ago
Just to be pedantic, Emanuelle had short hair in I. I’m told.
fritzoid Premium Member over 9 years ago
He poured a flagon of Rhenish on my head, once. A plague on him for a mad rogue.(I’m talking about Shermie, of course. The kid was a real jerk.)