“Low bridge ev’-ry bod-y down, Low bridge for we’re com-in to a town, And you al-ways know your neighbor, You’ll always know your pal, If you’ve ev-er navigated on the Er-ie can-al”.Substitute “limb” for “bridge” and “Jurasical” for “Erie Canal” and it still ain’t much.
Highlights the importance of looking in the direction in which you are moving. (How many times I’ve been run into by someone looking over their shoulder while barreling through a crowd!)
KenTheCoffinDweller over 9 years ago
Or not sleeping while driving.
Dr_Zinj over 9 years ago
No, this underscores the importance of being aware of yoru surroundings, and not being caught napping.
What? Me worried ? over 9 years ago
What was Pauls prison number in Cool Hand Luke !
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
“Low bridge ev’-ry bod-y down, Low bridge for we’re com-in to a town, And you al-ways know your neighbor, You’ll always know your pal, If you’ve ev-er navigated on the Er-ie can-al”.Substitute “limb” for “bridge” and “Jurasical” for “Erie Canal” and it still ain’t much.
rshive over 9 years ago
You mean the Highway/ Footpath Department doesn’t have signs on every low-hanging branch?
Imacyn over 9 years ago
Actually it underscores the reason you never ride backwards.
ChessPirate over 9 years ago
Oh, you mean like letting someone know you’re about to jump on their shell with cold feet?
dogday Premium Member over 9 years ago
Highlights the importance of looking in the direction in which you are moving. (How many times I’ve been run into by someone looking over their shoulder while barreling through a crowd!)
alangwatkins over 9 years ago
And… Jon Lovitz, SNL
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
You snooze, you lose…