Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 24, 2015
Ned: when you say,"make America great again", that means you want to take us back to a time when America was greater than it is now, right? Voice out of frame: Right! Ned: Gotta admit, that sounds good. Voice from out of frame: I know, right?! Man: So...when exactly was Voice out of frame: Oh, that sounds like another "gotcha" question to me!! Ned: Nice try, Bob.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 9 years ago
Hmmmm. I’m going to go with post-war pre-automation America, when most of Europe and Asia was destroyed and could hardly feed or clothe themselves, so our economy took off to meet demand. Unless you plan on starting WW3, it ain’t happening again.
braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago
The mother of all gotcha questions:
What magazines do you read?
Bilan over 9 years ago
French saying: The good old days when we were so unhappyEcclesiastes 7:10: Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions.
phylum over 9 years ago
1959….i got my first car….a 1950 ford convertible…paid a hundred bucks for it….all was great in the world on that day…
cdward over 9 years ago
Are YOU a grumpy old man? Take this test to find out.Q: Were things better, “greater”, in the good old days? If you answer, “Yes,” (and are male) then you are a grumpy old man.
pelican47 over 9 years ago
How long will he be able to sidestep questions instead of explaining his unrealistic ideas?.(Just watched OnDemand his appearance on Colbert.).And how long will his lemmings stay blind?
jarvisloop over 9 years ago
Perhaps one of the current crop of liars would like to return to the days before emails.
Old Texan75 over 9 years ago
Reference my rant this morning in Calvin and Hobbes.I’m 76 years old and growing up in rural Arkansas and rural Texas, I had a lot of the good ol’ days. Hunger, poverty, starvation, little or no medical care, disease from lack of vaccination and sanitation, and no government involvement in the care and welfare of the destitute citizens.My brother, staunch Christain Republican (he makes Tea Partiers look like flaming commie liberals), is opposed to all forms of welfare. If someone in the supermarket line ahead of him uses food stamps, he throws his groceries to the floor and storms out. So yeah, if you edit out the bad parts of the "good ol’ days, they were wonderful.I will take NOW, thank you very much.Did anyone ever notice that only people who have good medical insurance are the ones who oppose medical insurance for others?
tripwire45 over 9 years ago
There was never a time when America was perfect, but in particularly with the current administration, we’ve gone from being a world leader to attempting to follow the European “herd” in order to blend in with the rest of the western nations. We have stopped innovating and we’re raising the next generation to be sheep rather than lions. We certainly aren’t “great” now and, if people think the current trend is “progressive” and keep voting for it, we will never be great again.
gammaguy over 9 years ago
Another “gotcha” question. And yes, he gotcha.
Egrayjames over 9 years ago
I was admonished yesterday for saying America needs a leader…..not necessarily a republican or a democrat…just a leader. You have to be an idiot to think we don’t. Our government is set up with three branches to maintain a system of checks and balances. The president needs to be a leader in order to keep this country great. Congress is at a standstill and the Supreme Court’s job is not that of leadership.
Dour Scotsman over 9 years ago
For the Tea party its around 1950 when a white male “knew” that he was superior to women and all of “those” people……….
lopaka over 9 years ago
I wonder how Wiley feels about the competition the comics are getting from these clowns?
dabugger over 9 years ago
Strange, someone who wants my vote, gives out his reasons for advocating a particular program, yet is not willing to answer the ‘why’ question and ‘how’ question. As if that is ‘non of our business’. Asking us to ‘just shut up and give me your vote’. The irony is there are so many who will go along with the scam and support them. Pride of their ignorance.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 9 years ago
Before Ronald Reagan.
Argy.Bargy2 over 9 years ago
Sadly, the people who would most benefit from seeing this ’toon and being jolted into thinking twice about Their Guy, are the same people who are least likely to read this ’toon.
Such is life…
Duff Dude Premium Member over 9 years ago
Ask anyone when the “good old days” were, and invariably they will respond with the years when they were a kid. Life was indeed simpler back then because we weren’t aware of things the way we are when we are older. Most of us did not watch the news or read the newspaper or talk about the world with our peers. Most of us lived in a bubble, and inside the bubble it was great. Then you grow up and the bubble starts to burst and you see things you never saw as a kid.
Dr_Fogg over 9 years ago
Maybe they already fell back? or did they spring forward?? ;-P
Varnes over 9 years ago
“Heard Joe Farmer say excuse me please…Those were the days, but so are these..” …..Robert Hunter…..
Godfreydaniel over 9 years ago
Almost any question would be a “gotcha” question in Trump’s tiny mind, since he is SO massively ignorant about so much. His crybaby act is getting old and tired and needs a long nap.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 9 years ago
nothing on the news about Trump, just Hellary against XL, fine, we’ll keep it here, the Yanks keep buying from Venezuela
Dtroutma over 9 years ago
Any question requiring an actual answer is a gotcha!
bmonk over 9 years ago
One thing I’d rather see removed from insurance—the regular annual checkups (and similar expected expenses). You don’t pay for gas and oil changes with auto insurance—because the prices would be double or triple what they are now, after the insurance adds overhead.
spaced man spliff over 9 years ago
Good ol’ days: The mid 60s, when acid was legal, gatherings were innocent yet filled with love and wonder, and there was more trust of one another. And the late “your-place-or-mine” 70s, a real ya-hoo-go-for-it free time before AIDS. Of course I was in my 20s and 30s then and grabbed the bull by the horns more recklessly than now. But there are young people who will say in 60 years that these are the good ol’ dayz.
michalowskit over 9 years ago
The good old days ended seven years ago, how could you not notice ?
TMO1 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Bob sure looks like Nixon.