Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for June 29, 2010
Lucy: Um... Why are we out here? Danae: To satisfy my curiosity. Lucy: Curiosity about what? Danae: About what's locked inside that shed. Some call it "The Shed of Doom"... Lucy: "Some"? Danae: OK, OK... That's what I call it. Lucy: So why do you call it "The Shed of Doom"? Danae: Because "The Shed of Rusty Garden Tools With a Broken Latch" doesn't sound very exciting.
LordDogmore over 14 years ago
But then again reality very seldom is “very exciting”.
pouncingtiger over 14 years ago
The name is everything.
twinsnake_coatl over 14 years ago
@LordDogmore You should watch more Animal Planet.
WoodEye over 14 years ago
Let’s hope it’s not “The Woodshed” as in ‘out behind’.
kreole over 14 years ago
Her long dress and posture brings to mind a future spinster……the boys will decide…..
ksoskins over 14 years ago
But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
FresnoDude over 14 years ago
dfowensby over 14 years ago
maybe not, kreole–i had a gf once that wore a long shirt like that. and a pair of shoes……
thirdguy over 14 years ago
but forsooth, the Sheik doth speak veribly, theres a light in the window!!!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Sometimes a shed is just a shed.
Potrzebie over 14 years ago
Kreole, I’m thinking Goth. But, what do Goths grow up into? I hav never met an ex-goth.
merbrat over 14 years ago
My friend’s son often wore a t-shirt: “I’m wearing black until they find a darker color” We quietly celebrated the day he wore a pair of blue jeans! He is a Recovering Goth going back to school.
twj0729 over 14 years ago
Finally, now maybe we will get to see what’s in the shed. Probably nuth’n but spiders, wasps and things that go “bump” in the night!
KEA over 14 years ago
…and sometimes it’s the TARDIS in disguise?
ImaginaryFriend over 14 years ago
Maybe it is what is buried under the shed that she should be concerned about…
g6793 over 14 years ago
merbrat: My son was into the wearing black thing too. The day he asked me to buy him a green shirt, I rejoiced!! :)
Justice22 over 14 years ago
Lucy, turn and run!
It’s the dog food guy.
Varnes over 14 years ago
Hey! I thought this was going to be an adventure for Kate and Petey, now Danae is hornin’ in! I cry foul! Bait and switch! Wiley, do you hate Kate?
Wildmustang1262 over 14 years ago
Oh I get it! Why does Danae want to go down to the woods and find that same shed of doom right there again? I think she wants to see what inside the shed is by herself. So let keep the mysterious suspense continuing again!
cleokaya over 14 years ago
I have a shed of rusty garden tools and I do my best never to get to close to it.
lazygrazer over 14 years ago
LOL cleokaya—it sounds as foreboding as mine!
Sad Kitty over 14 years ago
Does anyone really know where Brenda is?
treered over 14 years ago
“To satisfy my curiosity”, RUN, LUCY, RUN!
sleepeeg3 over 14 years ago
There’s an actual joke, hiding in the shed… Wiley, quit shirking your comic - I’m on to you! ;)
benbrilling over 14 years ago
The Sinister Icy Black Hand of Death Clubhouse?
poohbear8192 over 14 years ago
It is the beast, and seeing will be fun. Arise, now fun, and fill us with plenteous doom.
With less than heartfelt apologies to Bill the Bard.
bossyheifer over 14 years ago
Is anyone really interested in stealing rusty garden tools? Nope, I suspect Wiley’s going to make it worth our time. :)
Piksea Premium Member over 14 years ago
I saw something nasty in the woodshed
DarthSequitur over 14 years ago
OH, there is a payoff in there for sure. But Wiley is going to take his time showing his hand. So sit back, stiffle your impatience and enjoy the adventure along with the avatar of curosity, Danae.
W6BXQ, John over 14 years ago
It’s not The Doctor’s TARDIS, but maybe it’s The Master’s TARDIS!
reynard61 over 14 years ago
Sheik Yerbouti said: “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?”
If Shakespeare had been a juvenile delinquent:
“But hard! What brick through yonder window breaks?
firedome over 14 years ago
to w6bxq…well, it can’t be the rani’s tardis…she’s still back in the precambrian trying to restore trilobites to their former glory…oh, and by the way…how’d you do on field day?
Trebor39 over 14 years ago
Cleokaya, those are haunted rusted garden tools. Keep away as you’ve been doing or you’ll become a ghost gardener in the sky! ( I can almost hear a song about it.)
cdward over 14 years ago
We have an ancient shed behind our house with a door on the back side that has been nailed shut forever. Finally, I got some brave friends together, and we ripped out those nails to see what was behind the mystery door. You guessed it: an outhouse.
W6BXQ, John over 14 years ago
I posted two pictures of my car ready to leave on Sunday afternoon to go home with all the antenna parts on the roof at yesterday’s Pibgorn comments near the bottom of page 2. I’ll post how we did and links to more pictures in a day or so at the Pibgorn comments.
vldazzle over 14 years ago
At least we got to see both side walls of the shed and each has a window. If they don;t peak soon I’m going to SCREEEEM!
cutiepie29 over 14 years ago
piksea said, about 9 hours ago
I saw something nasty in the woodshed
“Yeah, [Piksea] baby, but did it see you?!?”