Jeg kan stærkt anbefale dansk muskik, der sker en del disse år. I kan også finde meget med engelske tekster. Og det hedder “tusind tak” og “tak for maden” :)
@tammyspeakslife, no, ‘shall we take a cup of coffee’. Bowl = skål, not skal. Also those other ones you’ve got there look more Swedish than Danish, but it’s close. :)
I’m Danish, and I took a long time to figure out what the point of this strip was. Like a REALLY long time. An embarrassingly long time. Because, you know, the Danish doesn’t look weird to me, it’s just normal. Plus, my husband is English, so English doesn’t really register in my brain as a foreign language either.
And then it finally dawned on me and I made this face → :-D
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 9 years ago
‘bowls we take a cup of coffee’-Tusen takk -tak for matten-Værsagod-jeg elser deg
Pharmakeus Ubik over 9 years ago
Æslet salami er god i dag.
LLDK80 over 9 years ago
Jeg kan stærkt anbefale dansk muskik, der sker en del disse år. I kan også finde meget med engelske tekster. Og det hedder “tusind tak” og “tak for maden” :)
Angrboda Premium Member over 9 years ago
@tammyspeakslife, no, ‘shall we take a cup of coffee’. Bowl = skål, not skal. Also those other ones you’ve got there look more Swedish than Danish, but it’s close. :)
I’m Danish, and I took a long time to figure out what the point of this strip was. Like a REALLY long time. An embarrassingly long time. Because, you know, the Danish doesn’t look weird to me, it’s just normal. Plus, my husband is English, so English doesn’t really register in my brain as a foreign language either.
And then it finally dawned on me and I made this face → :-D
Ubintold over 9 years ago
It’s all Greek to me.
Mabster over 9 years ago
I’m not Danish and I figured it out in about 0.5 seconds.
prince valiant Premium Member over 9 years ago
Nov shmoz ka pop?
Thomas Linquist over 9 years ago
I have heard that Betty is a popular strip in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
sparvath about 9 years ago
she sure is famous in Denmark. Been in the danish version of the Beetle Bailey magazine for years. She’s great