Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for October 23, 2015
Rip Haywire: I was pretty lucky ditching those cops. Now let's see what's hiding in the law offices of powers, powers & powers. This building's as empty as the set of "Mulaney." Well, almost empty... a black wig. Blonde hair on the inside... possibly Lukes? There better be a lamp in here and not the ark of the covenant!
Chithing Premium Member about 9 years ago
Ka-mercy me! This whole island’s one big pit of corruption.
SkyFisher about 9 years ago
And what’s in the barrel?(You can see it next to the box as Rip climbs in the window.)
StoicLion1973 about 9 years ago
Wow…I think more people read that “Mulaney” joke than watched the show.
Kip W about 9 years ago
Fra-jee-lay. Must be Italian!
Wichita10 about 9 years ago
Blonde…? Soooo, the arch fiend is Charro?.! Ka-gasp!
Dragoncat about 9 years ago
So… It was Luke who impersonated Molly in order to get her lamp?…Is the dress he wore in that barrel next to the lamp?
Sheila Hardie about 9 years ago
Spoiler alert: it was Breezy! :-p
Sheila Hardie about 9 years ago
Hey, a girl can dream.