Reality Check by Dave Whamond for November 10, 2015
November 09, 2015
November 11, 2015
Yesssss! Gluten! More gluuuuten! It sustains me! Oh, yes... Bring me all the gluten, hipsters I must have it all! Mwa ha ha ha! Gluten glutton Free the gluten!
Soft pretzels, bagles, pizza – some of the best things in life are gluten. I feel for the people who really can’t tolerate it, but I laugh at the gluten-free trend in hypochondria.
Olddog1 about 9 years ago
gopher, what would that be? Unless you have celiac disease of course.
gammaguy about 9 years ago
Gluten glutton gloatin’?
whiteheron about 9 years ago
Yumpin Yimminy! It’s the Swedish Chef!! Ralph, go get his autograph for me!
davanden about 9 years ago
There isn’t much of a gag here. Just a guy eating a lot and an almost-rhyme.
hjkl; about 9 years ago
hippogriff about 9 years ago
Sounds like an Art Carney joke from The Honeymooners.
zeexenon about 9 years ago
Needs more cow bell.
bmonk about 9 years ago
But if the head waiter offers him a very thin mint, it’s time to run!
TIMH about 9 years ago
Soft pretzels, bagles, pizza – some of the best things in life are gluten. I feel for the people who really can’t tolerate it, but I laugh at the gluten-free trend in hypochondria.
rossaff1947 almost 5 years ago
Gluten good!!!