Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 09, 2015
Person: Dr. Gorp, are there any other side effects associated with "Intensity" we should be aware of? Albie: Well, yes, "Intensity" seems to share some of the mild unpleasantness attributed to its chemical cousins... like nausea, tightening of the jaw, some dizziness... Bunny: Bad news, Albie. Tricky Dick got the GOP nomination! Albie: ...and, of course, flashbacks.
svetlana17 about 9 years ago
I completely missed this arc. Fascinating!
Pointspread about 9 years ago
Flashbacks: Side Effect or Bonus Trip?
For a Just and Peaceful World about 9 years ago
Either that sailboat in the fourth frame is moving at an impossibly high speed or GT has been testing “Intensity”.
Flash Gordon about 9 years ago
I voted against nixon in 1968 and 1972. Little did we know back then what was in store for the future. ronald reagan was worse, slick willy clinton was a DINO, and cheney/shrub was catastrophic.
wcorvi about 9 years ago
For even better flashbacks, read “One Man Against the World: The Tragedy of Richard Nixon” by Tim Weiner. You find Trixon saying things on his secret tapes like, ‘The enemy is not Russia; the enemy is not China; the enemy is the American People’. I for one am glad to have been his enemy.
Malcolm Hall about 9 years ago
The American public might just eclipse all of the previous bonehead choices by electing the craziest of them all: DT!!!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 9 years ago
@StCleve72“I vividly recall that night in 1968 sitting in front of the TV in shock and horror thinking “do these people have any idea what they just elected as their leader?”.To get elected, pick the right opponent..HHH was Vice President under President Johnson.He was associated with LBJ’s administration and policies, including the Vietnam War.People held their noses and voted for RMN, hoping thereby to end the war..By 1972, most were well and truly sick of Tricky Dock, but then my party nominated McGovern to run against him, so the American people held their noses and breaths and voted to reelection the lesser evil..More to come this election as well.No candidate we can all say, “YES!! I want her!”(or him)..We have to ask ourselves which one has the least respect for the Constitution. So far I’m leaning toward Bernie as having the most, but it’s close..May have to write one in.
Tarredandfeathered about 9 years ago
Then the British Press was forced to ask this question:.
kaffekup about 9 years ago
I never thought we were that dumb; rumor has it Karl Rove pulled some strings in Ohio to have those votes sent to Chattanooga to be massaged, then back to Ohio to “elect” bush. Some think that’s why he was dumbfounded that it didn’t work last time, because Anonymous shut it down.
alviebird about 9 years ago
…really bad flashbacks.
nathanbtlr about 9 years ago
I’ve been waiting on flashbacks almost as long as I’ve been waiting for lung cancer.