Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 26, 2015
JJ: Isn't this space incredible, Mike? We're so lucky to have found anything near Avenue B! I can't believe I'm finally about to live and work in my own New York City loft! It's just so damn romantic-- you and I sitting here on a hardwood floor, sipping wine, dreaming about the future. Mike: Gazing up at the stairs. JJ: I'm sure they'll fix the roof soon, Mike.
BE THIS GUY about 9 years ago
Just think of it as a skylight, Mike, and hope it doesn’t rain.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 9 years ago
Methinks the light of the stars most likely washed out by ambient light pollution.
Kali39 about 9 years ago
You mean, build one, don’t you JJ?
For a Just and Peaceful World about 9 years ago
This is one of those times when having “stars in your eyes” is not so dreamy.
jploch5408 about 9 years ago
Notice that the bucket goes from “Fixative” to “Fixation”. The first 3 pertains to JJ’s work; the last, Mike who’s wondering how the hell he got in this situation.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 9 years ago
So how many more years did Mike have to live with this idiot?
gaebie about 9 years ago
Gazing up at the stars….in Manhattan????
patlaborvi about 9 years ago
Define soon: When the city threatens to take the landlord to court as a slum lord because he refuses to make promised repairs to his buildings.
rwilhite001 about 9 years ago
“…Barefoot In The Park…”
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 9 years ago
Avenue B NYC east village
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 9 years ago
(That’s what I say.)