Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 04, 2015

  1. Onion news1186.article
    Randy B Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Yes. That last panel. Classic.

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    Elmer Gantry Fudd  about 9 years ago

    Good timing!

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    Elmer Gantry Fudd  about 9 years ago

    It’s tragic, really, that leftists had such a short time to revel in the once every five years or so Christian terrorist before San Bernadino reminded everyone of the unfortunate realities.

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  4. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member about 9 years ago

    ..well..and gun sales of gone up…

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  5. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 9 years ago

    The operative words folks are firearms and bombs !!Doesn’t matter whose hands they are in The results are the same – death and carnage !

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  6. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 9 years ago

    Is Miracle Whip on a ham sandwich still ok??

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    Dragonfox  about 9 years ago

    Good Christians can have a sense of humor. I love that last panel too. Hurting for San Bernardino only 15 miles from me and my friends have lost friends.

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    Red Ruffensor  about 9 years ago


    “Free Sample.”

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    Kip W  about 9 years ago

    So, if a “true Christian” guns down somebody, he’s not a “true Christian” any more. Presto! The brand is saved!

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    Malcolm Hall  about 9 years ago

    Oh wait again. Turns out they were Muslim terrorists in San Berdoo. Or at least they were Muslims and they did commit a terrorist act. I’ll wait to see how Ruben puts a funny spin on the event.

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  11. Cheese man
    pumaman  about 9 years ago

    Imagine the even greater outrage if Starbucks had made the cups blue!

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    In support of Mr. Dear, Republicans in the Senate are again voting to defend Planned Parenthood. Terrorists are most successful when they’re Christian and get the Congress to back them up.

    The dietary restriction panel is funny as it’s the same for Jews, Muslims, and Adventists, then throw in LDS prohibitions on caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Nah only Islam has “strange rules”, from the same source as the other “bible relgions” when taken seriously.

    “Radical” is the problem, and of course there’s nothing at all radical in destroying two nations,killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, in retaliation for an attack by a small terrorist group, none of whom were citizens of either of those two countries. But hey, they’re Muslim, even though not of the same sect, and they hate each other, but the broad brush approach is fine when following the guidance of Jesus who said, “I come not to bring peace to the world, but a sword.” (But of course that violence was only metaphor, right.)

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    ^Sorry, typo: that’ DEFUND, not defend.

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  14. Schroeder
    Eclectic-1  about 9 years ago

    In attempting satire, Bolling and most commenters show they do not understand the role deep trance phenomena and post hypnotic suggestion play in determining whethera person will successfully complete the work of leaving home emotionally and do the work of creating a conscious identy or what happens when people choose not to do this work. Religion is not the problem, as most people only believe they believe and go about their religious life the way middle aged people go about their sex life – they just do it to get it over with and act out the post-hypnotic trances they were taught to parrot as children. Therein lies the problem. The post hypnotic trances being brought over from Mohammedan ethnics conflict with American ones. The adults may not present any problem their entire life and become good citizens. The problem is when their children go through their idenity formation phase and choose not to do the work of growing up and leaving home and doing the work of choosing a conscious identy. This is what we see in the so called “Islamic State”. Rather than do the work described, we see a group of narcissistic, misogynist, emotional ten year olds using Islam as a masquerade for their sex and violence cult, killing innocents to experience the “high” of imagined self power . Fundamentalism, whether Chistian or Mohammedan, is always a sign of limited or arrested developement. It fails to see context and divorces itself from the violence it does to others.The difference is in the trances and post hypnotic suggestions. “Love your enemies”, Love your neighbor as yourself", Forgive those who persecute you are alien to those who want to "kill the infidel’, and believe anyone who says the Jesus of Mohammeds teaching (not the same as the Jesus of the Bible) will burn in hell forever. The Moors in Spain are the example of what the relation between Islamists and the rest of the world should be. It would still be that way today except for the perverting of Islam by persons who did not sucessfully do the work of growing up and leaving home and hijacked Islam for the glorification of their own ego deception. Those are the kind of people who join ISIS or the KKK. The vast majority of those who would come to America won’t be a problem. It’s the small percentage of their children who, rather than doing the work of healthy identity formationton, become terrorists , like Timothy McVeigh, to gain a false sense of power and belonging to avoid becoming psychological adults – these are the ones who will be the problem. We should recognize too – America is not a nation of refugees. America was built by people who had the courage to leave home. It’s what the space program is about about. We should, as an act of mercy, accept these would be immigrants, who have been put in the role of Lazarus by their situation. Whether they present a problem down the line will be determined by the extent to which their parents allow their children to do the work of growing up, leaving home and having their own life. Remember, life is transformation through trance formation. Make sure you are in control of your trances and not the other way around.

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  15. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 9 years ago

    Hey, the Heritage Foundation has to spend their money on SOMETHING to justify their phony-baloney jobs.

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    Monster Hesh  about 9 years ago

    Happy Holidays, everyone.…Don’t shoot!

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    Grover Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Yes, Tom, we all know how evil Christians are.

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    HFLickspittle  about 9 years ago

    As a hardcore atheist I’ll have you know mayo on a ham sandwich rocks!

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    Zesty  over 3 years ago


    Donald Trump: “Maybe we should boycott Starbucks.” … “I only hope that Starbucks is still paying me their rent in Trump Tower!”

    Melania Trump: “who gives a fuck about the Christmas stuff and decorations?”

    A Brief History of Starbucks’ Holiday Cup Controversies

    How Starbucks’s annual holiday cup became a battleground for the heart and soul of America

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