Does anyone still use a pager, anyone know? And, I suppose a placebo pill might have side effects if you are diabetic, maybe, assuming they are just sugar pills. Burl would hear a ringing, whether his pager went off or not, probably constant for him.
Looneytunes65 over 3 years ago
Oh brother
mywifeslover over 3 years ago
The “find it” was well concealed today! It took me a bit of searching but then I found it.
For a clue check yesterday’s comments.
Pickled Pete over 3 years ago
Does anyone still use a pager, anyone know? And, I suppose a placebo pill might have side effects if you are diabetic, maybe, assuming they are just sugar pills. Burl would hear a ringing, whether his pager went off or not, probably constant for him.
InTraining Premium Member over 3 years ago
Verl looks extra nosey today….!
Moonkey Premium Member over 3 years ago
He could easily call his own pager from that phone a step or two away on the wall