If someone returned the wallet, what are the chances they would inspect it thoroughly before handing over the $75. If they do, and everything is intact, then they’d only be out $50. Credit cards, and other important documents people usually carry in the wallet would be of major concern, even if it were returned. Bet they never herd of ‘identity theft’.
Binky over 3 years ago
Found it…pretty easy.
momofalex7 over 3 years ago
Does Jerry ever face forward? Must be hard on his neck.
Dani Rice over 3 years ago
I like Burl’s shirt. “Found Foolish” pretty well described him.
Pickled Pete over 3 years ago
If someone returned the wallet, what are the chances they would inspect it thoroughly before handing over the $75. If they do, and everything is intact, then they’d only be out $50. Credit cards, and other important documents people usually carry in the wallet would be of major concern, even if it were returned. Bet they never herd of ‘identity theft’.
InTraining Premium Member over 3 years ago
and it’s in the slacks Joy hung up in the closet… she will be collecting the $75 from Burl…!
paranormal over 3 years ago
And six maxed out credit cards…
paranormal over 3 years ago
Prickly Pete, I don’t think Identity Theft was as big of a problem back then.
Train 1911 over 3 years ago
He likely only had $5.00In his wallet now when Someone find it thy will Clam they stole it sue them.
Zuria Premium Member over 3 years ago
Revised comic. First time this scene appeared, Burl was like “try 200 dollars”.
MissScarlet Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’ve had a “lost” wallet returned once or twice. Always minus the cash. But I don’t mind too much. Saves me having to replace all the card and IDs.
donnagant622 over 3 years ago
Found it!