Okay, just wait until the clerk rings you up, and make the morons wait then while you go to mom for more money. A Penny so close to food and yet so far is sweet torture. But Joy will just kill time by stealing straws and napkins.
….the girls are grinning at each other because they’re getting closer to the napkins ‘n straws rack (….I can almost hear the Squadron Commander’s voice from STAR WARS saying: “Almost there……allllmost therrrre….”)
Pickled Pete about 3 years ago
If that’s how it works, then he should ask Sulu in front of him. Burl went out today without his dunce cap, again..
Quantumtorpedo1 about 3 years ago
Actually, you pay for the child’s food.
Train 1911 about 3 years ago
Kid should kick him in the nnnnnnnn t
Train 1911 about 3 years ago
Found it
MeGoNow Premium Member about 3 years ago
Okay, just wait until the clerk rings you up, and make the morons wait then while you go to mom for more money. A Penny so close to food and yet so far is sweet torture. But Joy will just kill time by stealing straws and napkins.
HarryLime about 3 years ago
Isn’t Burl “the best”?
shamest Premium Member about 3 years ago
If I was the guy in front of the kid I would pay for him and the next two orders behind Burl’s group. Come on Up you twp I am making free for you.
InTraining Premium Member about 3 years ago
Burl will come up with the differnence for the kid just to move the line along faster…! He motto “Where’s the beef”…?
Ken Norris Premium Member about 3 years ago
A kid today, who says ‘sir’?
Moonkey Premium Member about 3 years ago
I wonder how he treated his daughter as a child?
paranormal about 3 years ago
65% beef? I only buy 80% or more lean. It’s worth the difference because you don’t lose so much to fat runoff. The remaining 35% is probably rat…
orbenjawell Premium Member about 3 years ago
….the girls are grinning at each other because they’re getting closer to the napkins ‘n straws rack (….I can almost hear the Squadron Commander’s voice from STAR WARS saying: “Almost there……allllmost therrrre….”)