“Serving” coffee — i.e., working in the food service — is an important job in any military! Don’t forget, and army marches on its stomach! Navy, too.
Florence Patterson Green, the woman who was the “Last Man Standing” from WWI, worked in the officers’ mess hall. Prior to the war that job would have been done by a man, but her service freed up more men for combat roles. She died in 2012, about 2 weeks before she would have turned 111.
Thank you to all the veterans! Grandpa Bill and Grandpa Frank (WWI), Dad Mike, Uncle Jimmy (WWII), stepson Shawn (Gulf I), BIL Pat, nieces and nephews Campbell, Rochelle, Tab, step-granddaughter Shalynn…and any others I may have forgotten.
The dude from FL Premium Member about 2 months ago
Why would they have a library number by the phone?
GeorgeInAZ about 2 months ago
Burl and Jerry are just resentful.
InTraining Premium Member about 1 month ago
Jerry was 4F… was is due to shedding….?
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 1 month ago
Jerry needs to have his rear kicked.
orbenjawell Premium Member about 1 month ago
….and YOU, Burl? WHAT did you DO in….uhmmmmm…some war or other?
TheWildSow about 1 month ago
“Serving” coffee — i.e., working in the food service — is an important job in any military! Don’t forget, and army marches on its stomach! Navy, too.
Florence Patterson Green, the woman who was the “Last Man Standing” from WWI, worked in the officers’ mess hall. Prior to the war that job would have been done by a man, but her service freed up more men for combat roles. She died in 2012, about 2 weeks before she would have turned 111.
Thank you to all the veterans! Grandpa Bill and Grandpa Frank (WWI), Dad Mike, Uncle Jimmy (WWII), stepson Shawn (Gulf I), BIL Pat, nieces and nephews Campbell, Rochelle, Tab, step-granddaughter Shalynn…and any others I may have forgotten.
wildlandwaters about 1 month ago
a soldier ain’t goin’ nowhere without food and water… an’ coffee helps too!