Um. Obviously he is NOT shaving. Kliban fails again.
That’s just his five o’clock shadow.
pundit … well, Papa didn’t say what he’s shaving.
Actually the beard is a tradition that is shared by the Amish.Upon becoming married a Heimische Mensch must stop shaving.The beard is a signal to others in the community that he is married.Or a in a ZZ Top tribute band….That’s how you tell a joke!
B. Kliban
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 9 years ago
pulpitpoundingpoliticalpundit almost 9 years ago
Um. Obviously he is NOT shaving. Kliban fails again.
Pharmakeus Ubik almost 9 years ago
That’s just his five o’clock shadow.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 9 years ago
pundit … well, Papa didn’t say what he’s shaving.
Space_cat almost 9 years ago
Actually the beard is a tradition that is shared by the Amish.Upon becoming married a Heimische Mensch must stop shaving.The beard is a signal to others in the community that he is married.Or a in a ZZ Top tribute band….That’s how you tell a joke!