Agnes by Tony Cochran for February 20, 2016

  1. Missing large
    paha_siga  almost 9 years ago

    I thought Jupiter was a planet…

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    rshive  almost 9 years ago

    I once lived on South Carolina Street; which was north of North Carolina Street. Many planetary names invoked there. Or perhaps they were asteroids.

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  3. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Midnight rambling…. only halfway off-topic….

    When I was little, a lot of dogs were named after planets…Two of my aunts had dogs named Neptune…. One neighbor’s dog was Jupiter, another’s Mars; even Mickey Mouse had Pluto, and so did a family friend.So I asked my Dad why I never met a dog named Saturn, or Uranus or Mercury. (The answer was on the order of “Go away, kid, yer bothering me.”)

    A lot of people, ladies especially, have flower, jewel, or month names.

    In the seventies, a few that had been unused became new and modern names….

    Why are Ruby, Pearl, and Emerald and Opal, e.g., old-fashioned names, while Amber and Jet are “newer”… and Crystal and Sapphire sound “hippe-ish” to people. I’ve never met a Diamond, say, or a Peridot or Turquoise.

    Why are Rose, Iris, or Violet OK…. but poor little Daffodil and Tulip would get laughed out of kindergarten?

    And why are June and May women’s names… but August and March for men?

    And come to think of it…


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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    David.. you’ll have to find a way to move to the planet Jupiter.Don’t let x_Tech fool you… it still exists…and I hear it has no human inhabitants.As yet.Maybe it’s reserved for current Florida and California coastal residents.

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  5. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 9 years ago

    I’m fine with the fine arts. You’ll just have to find what fine art is fine for you.

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  6. Chai
    Perkycat  almost 9 years ago

    Well, her fine art prowess does not include snowmen. SusanSunshine – my middle name is June. I always say my parents had no imagination and gave me the middle name of the month I was born in. But, my cousin’s parents were less so – she didn’t even have a middle name.

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  7. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    PerkyJuneCat…. hmmm… has a nice ring to it…..When I was born, my Mom thought “Susan” was modern and unusual. There wouldn’t be any other Susans…….Right Mom… except for the other 2 or 3 in every class, all through grade school.

    I was born in April. I never heard of it as a name till probably the 70’s…. and I thought about making everybody call me April instead. Now I’m glad I didn’t. Somewhere along the way I started to like being called Susan.

    My parents and their parents had no middle names either, like most of my ancestors (I think, cos they’re mostly unknown to me) till my generation.

    David… I’m thinkin’ you meant “Daffy?” So why not Dilly?Um… I guess that question answers itself.

    And a young lady I’ve known most of her life, who’s now… OMG…. about 45! Khrystl. When her good friend named HER baby after her, Khrystl, tired of years of comments and even “corrections” from teachers and well-meaning strangers, said “PLEASE spell it Crystal.”

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