Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for April 03, 2016
Rose: Do you have any more jars of Caribbean red habaneros? Man: We may have some in the stockroom...please follow me. We do have a box...way up there! I'd need the hydraulic forklift to get it down. Unfortunately, I'm not permitted to operate heavy's a very specialized skill! Rose: Are you sure? Vicki: Oh, I'm sure. I have many specialized skills.
inshadowz almost 9 years ago
I’ve seen these things go wrong before. It can be very interesting … to watch.
Wren Fahel almost 9 years ago
Wow! This actually brought back memories of my days working in Bradlees. I remember one time having to stock 24-can cases of Castrol Motor Oil (when it came in CANS), when I was dressed for front-end register.
Acworthless almost 9 years ago
She’s not going to get very close to the top shelf with that pallet jack.
Marsh1 almost 9 years ago
I love that Vicky gets hotter around heavy machinery. (OK, maybe that’s on me…)
nosirrom almost 9 years ago
He’s probably not allowed to operate complicated machinery like a wheel barrow.
Mema Jean almost 9 years ago
I could use Vickie when I go to some of these stores. Plenty of merchandise but no assistant to get it down.
Laynegg almost 9 years ago
I have this problem even on the store floor. I either climb the shelve to get it myself or look for a taller person to get it for me. Teenage boys, especially, like to demonstrate how tall they are….
cwg almost 9 years ago
Nothing comes between that girl and her Caribbean Red Habaneros, and that stock clerk knows it too.
dawnsfire almost 9 years ago
Not to mention, nobody would let a customer into the backroom!