The Knight Life by Keith Knight for April 15, 2016
Keith: I don't care if its in 3D!! "Phantom Menace" is a terrible movie!! I can't suffer through it again!! You don't get it do you? Lucas purposely made it terrible so you'd get angry!! anger leads to hate!! Hate leaves to suffering!! KeithL suffering leads to the dark side!! Heres a bucket to clean up after your mind explodes!
agrestic over 8 years ago
I think it’s silly to go see a movie in 3-D that wasn’t even shot in 3-D in the first place.
Randy B Premium Member over 8 years ago
I think it was just suffering. I wasn’t angry, I didn’t care enough to hate it, I just wanted it to be over.
ViscountNik over 8 years ago
Still… best darn cookies I ever had.