Sheesh, this is just like my little cousin. Every time I have to babysit him, he throws a tantrum when I’m not paying him attention to absolutely every little thing he does.
Lucy’s growing up fast! I know he’s sitting down, but Lucy looks almost as big as Charlie Brown in this one.
The dynamic of these early strips is interesting. Seems to me it took Schulz a while to figure out how a strip with no adults might best work. At this stage in the development of Peanuts I think some of the strips have a very odd feel to them because of the lack of adults. In this strip CB could easily be in the role of a father — he even looks like he’s reading a newspaper!
Later, when the kids become further away from being like ‘real’ children, I think it works a lot better.
Kali39 over 8 years ago
And the fussbudget begins to grow….:-)
bigcatbusiness over 8 years ago
Sheesh, this is just like my little cousin. Every time I have to babysit him, he throws a tantrum when I’m not paying him attention to absolutely every little thing he does.
Chad Cheetah over 8 years ago
“look at me, look at me, look at me now! It’s fun to have fun but you have to know how.”-The Cat in The Hat
Melki Premium Member over 8 years ago
Someday she’ll be holding a football for you to kick . . .
Longplay Premium Member over 8 years ago
I like this Lucy, there is an innocence about her.
Doctor Go over 8 years ago
The moment that spawned the revenge of the football…
GROG Premium Member over 8 years ago
Fortunately, he is NOT her.
Godfreydaniel over 8 years ago
Flamingos are fun for a little while……..
wonka291 over 8 years ago
Lucy’s growing up fast! I know he’s sitting down, but Lucy looks almost as big as Charlie Brown in this one.
The dynamic of these early strips is interesting. Seems to me it took Schulz a while to figure out how a strip with no adults might best work. At this stage in the development of Peanuts I think some of the strips have a very odd feel to them because of the lack of adults. In this strip CB could easily be in the role of a father — he even looks like he’s reading a newspaper!
Later, when the kids become further away from being like ‘real’ children, I think it works a lot better.
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
Ah yes, and so it goes…
Charlie Tuba over 8 years ago
Lucy will give you FIVE good reasons not to get tired of watching her.
bigcatbusiness over 8 years ago
Maybe I should record him and blackmail him later on.