Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for May 09, 2016
Okay, Cuidighteach! You have ten choices. Behind one of the curtains is a giant wheel of cheese! Behind the other is a savage flogging! What our audience wants to know is... Which you gonna pick? 5000 years later... We believe the inner ring of Stonehenge was used for celestial timekeeping.
Ida No over 8 years ago
Old timey game shows… That makes SO MUCH more sense than any of those other theories!
niaje over 8 years ago
but which door did quidditch pick?
emptc12 over 8 years ago
Cheese is an irresistible draw in England. Why, Wallace and Grommit went all the way to the Moon for it. “Cheese, Grommit — CHEESE!”