Edge City by Terry and Patty LaBan for December 05, 2016

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    scyphi26  about 8 years ago

    You know, this is only proving my long-held opinion that the average American needs to be taught a lot more about the rest of the world and it’s history than they are currently getting, for reasons such as this. It could only help.

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    Zuria Premium Member about 8 years ago

    alas – since this ‘toon first came out, I don’t think we’ve gotten any smarter. Likely dumber.

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    english.ann  about 8 years ago

    I really didn’t expect to find this strip actually appearing, after its creators announced they were terminating new stories.The white man in this strip must not have any professional dealings with Asian-Indian professionals; their surnames (both multisyllabic and two-syllable ones, such as Patel and Kumar), as well as their first names, such as Purvesh, Naresh and Santosh, do not resemble American Indian names at all. You’d think that this man’s encounter with Asian-Indians would open up an ongoing conversation about the big differences in Native American and Asian-Indian names, leading to the big differences in the peoples themselves.

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    Debra Shore Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Something similar happened to my friend from India back when you-know-who announced that all Muslims should be prevented from entering the US. Someone in Starbucks demanded to know if she was a Muslim as did someone in the gym that she has been going to for years.

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