Fowl Language by Brian Gordon for December 07, 2016

  1. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Those were the days, my friend.

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    Egrayjames  about 8 years ago

    That’s how it was where I grew up. Of course, I grew up in a small country town and all the kids in the neighborhood knew each other.

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  3. Forbear
    Qiset  about 8 years ago

    let your kids wander now and someone will have you arrested!

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  4. Watermelon avv
    car2ner  about 8 years ago

    but we also had parents peeking out the window now and then to make sure everyone was OK. And we knew the kids next door…gee, I miss those days.

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    gigagrouch  about 8 years ago

    And the neighbours told your folks if you stepped out of line.

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    CeeJay  about 8 years ago

    I was free to wander! I’m sure our parents kept tabs on us.

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    eyelovecomix  about 8 years ago

    “a” 3:00??

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    Julie478 Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Bonus Panel:

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    Vorticia  about 8 years ago

    Man, I miss the old days.

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    calvin.hobbes  almost 5 years ago

    Me and my sister still do that. Both of them actually. I will tell my mom that I am biking to this persons house, if their not home then I go this place, then if not them that this friend.

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