Marcy: We got a letter from Jojo!
Joe: Our Jojo wrote a letter from camp?
Marcy: He said the place is crawling with glow - in the dark scorpions and he wants to come home.
Its so cute I want to post it on twitter and Facebook
Joe: Good idea. done!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 8 years ago
something else to never live down
SactoSylvia over 8 years ago
That’ll teach him to write his parents!
Enter.Name.Here over 8 years ago
And just like that, your personal issues become public news…one of the problems with social media…nobody respects privacy anymore.
ShadowBeast Premium Member over 8 years ago
Careful the social media will overreact and claim them as neglectful parents.
cubswin2016 over 8 years ago
Did I do that?