The dog is a domesticated form of the gray wolf, but I can’t figure out what Thor is. Who would make chairs out of shed wolf fur? What’s next, side tables made from cat hair balls?
Actually, “chiengora” is called that because spun dog hair makes a yarn as soft and fluffy as angora (rabbit) fur. Bathe and comb your long-haired dog, pick out the stiff outer hair, save it in paper grocery sacks until you have about a pound of it, and you can send it off to get it hand-spun (or hand-spin it yourself). Irish setters make a really gorgeous sweater.
My Dog (BorderCollie - Black Lab mix) must be a distant relative of Wolf. Each time I brush/comb thru her hair I have a nice pile. After a couple of weekly brushings I think I have just about the same amount.
MontanaLady over 14 years ago
Those ain’t bean bag chairs…..!
pouncingtiger over 14 years ago
He was “itching” for new chairs.
Rakkav over 14 years ago
Thor the inventor strikes again!
Rakkav over 14 years ago
Well, ‘tis said that the dog is a domesticated wolf, and that’s a domesticated wolf, soooo….
ksoskins over 14 years ago
The dog is a domesticated form of the gray wolf, but I can’t figure out what Thor is. Who would make chairs out of shed wolf fur? What’s next, side tables made from cat hair balls?
sottwell over 14 years ago
Actually, “chiengora” is called that because spun dog hair makes a yarn as soft and fluffy as angora (rabbit) fur. Bathe and comb your long-haired dog, pick out the stiff outer hair, save it in paper grocery sacks until you have about a pound of it, and you can send it off to get it hand-spun (or hand-spin it yourself). Irish setters make a really gorgeous sweater.
lewisbower over 14 years ago
One of my cats would make a nice doormat with little prep needed.
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
Digital Frog over 14 years ago
Furniture and hangover cure all in one package….
Mary Ritz Walling Premium Member over 14 years ago
I often thought I could knit a new dog out of the fur combed out of our Belgian Shepherd/Husky mix.
pawpawbear over 14 years ago
My lab/chow mix sheds a new dog about every day. Be better to make slip covers to be stuffed though.
scrabblefiend over 14 years ago
I have read about a woman knitting sweaters from the dog hair that the dog sheds. Nice and warm, but other dogs seem to follow her around.
Either that, or you could save the shedding hair and use it to stuff a pillow.
GreatCujo over 14 years ago
My Dog (BorderCollie - Black Lab mix) must be a distant relative of Wolf. Each time I brush/comb thru her hair I have a nice pile. After a couple of weekly brushings I think I have just about the same amount.
boldyuma over 14 years ago
Between Woofie and Grog…
they’ll never have to buy chairs again…hee..
it’s “hair” apparent..