Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for August 03, 2016

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 8 years ago

    Now is Andy going to blow those £15 at the race horse track?

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  2. Fireimages
    WOODNFLINT  over 8 years ago

    That is about 20 dollars US. Go figure………

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  3. Rossrevengeten  1
    mmfarrow1  over 8 years ago

    The barman unrolled his sleeves quickly.

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  4. 01img582
    bixya  over 8 years ago

    15 pounds is about 18 €In my opinion, they will not last more than 7-8 hours in Andy’s pocket. . .

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  5. Andy
    Sandfan  over 8 years ago

    Andy could get a bidding war going between Jack and this guy. See who would pay the most to get him to stay away.

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  6. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 8 years ago

    Andy has discovered a new racket. If enough other pubs pay him to stay away, he’ll have enough cash to bet on a horse or two and still have a good day and night at Jack’s.

    There was a character, named Buttons, where I lived in Arizona. He was always caging drinks and generally making a pest of himself. Patrons would pay him to go drink in another bar. Several times someone would drive him to another watering hole, only to have him beat them back to the original bar.

    There was another guy, unlike Buttons,( who was harmless and sometimes very funny ), that was so loud, obnoxious and nasty that the owner of one of the two saloons that still served him, finally decided to ban him. The only problem, bemoaned the proprietor , was that " Terrible Tony " owed a hefty bar tab.Immediately, everyone in the place chipped in to pay the tab, in order to keep the jerk out !

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  7. Front sword at ready
    shamest Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I would give a 1000 pounds to never ever darker my door again.

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  8. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 8 years ago

    The guy behind the counter looks a right prat.

    He looks more like a prison guard than a bartender.


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  9. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 8 years ago

    Song of the Day – Requested by Godfreydaniel:


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  10. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 8 years ago

    @Number ThreeThanks for posting my song! Cole Porter had more of a way with words than most songwriters in history could even wish they had.

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  11. Missing large
    Sherlock5  about 1 year ago

    This is setting a bad precedent for all the other pubs in town.

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