Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 24, 2010
Danae: Now that you're back to being smaller, Ekert, it'll be easier to hide you. Elephant: Hide from what? Danae: Not from what, but from who. Kate: You mean whom. Danae: What? Kate: The correct grammar in this case is "whom"... Kate: Oh, thank goodness a grammar cop is on patrol to keep us all safe! Woo-hoo!! Noise: SNORT SHOMP URP... OK... I stand corrected. Kate: ... and back at square one. Elephant: Sorry... I just can't resist a fresh pile of sarcasm.
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
As a registered grammar police officer (see the Frog Blog archive if you don’t believe me), I must applaud the Ekert’s speedy clean-up of this messy malefaction!
ksoskins over 14 years ago
No one wants to step in a fresh pile of sarcasm, especially if you’re wearing new shoes.
pbarnrob over 14 years ago
Sneak him into GloboConglomoCorp HQ’s War Room; the war will be over in a trice!
harrietbe over 14 years ago
That was a big dose of sarcasm. If Ekert spends much time around Danae, he’s going to be gargantuan.
cdward over 14 years ago
Ah, c’mon, Ekert, that was just a child-sized portion of sarcasm.
grapfhics over 14 years ago
Clark, that’s why the boys club doesn’t want too many wimmen in it, event though their 50%+ of population.
NoShame over 14 years ago
We need an Eckert (or two) for real in our world. These Eckert cartoons need to be assembled/compiled into one publication together. Really good material for preaching/sermons
DolphinGirl78 over 14 years ago
cdward: Apparently Danae’s sarcasm is enough to blow the Ekert in size as much as any adult portion could. :P
runninanreadin over 14 years ago
…and this parTIcular strip is to remind us that the Ekert’s actions are <GASP> TEMPORARY? We gonna need a WHOOOOLE bunch of them if we’re gonna change this world. (Or just start inside yourself…THAT’S easier!)
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Danae’s got plenty of sarcasm to go around.
Potrzebie over 14 years ago
the ekert needs to get the spammers.
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
run: now you sound like Jesus. “If anyone would come after me…” Whole world of ekert-type thought changers. Oh, I forgot, most of you here don’t believe in him. Now ekert…
PS: that’s okay. Most of us who believe don’t act like it most of the time anyway, so the cartoon elephant gets to tell part of the truth.
GoodQuestion Premium Member over 14 years ago
Is this the END??? No notice about continuing ! Don’t tell us it’s over Wiley!!! The Ekert work is far from done. ☺
david5992 over 14 years ago
Wow. Ekert had better stay away from Washington or he’ll be the size of a small planet.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 14 years ago
Does Ekert look like he’s sketched a little differently today, or is it just me?
donniegeorge over 14 years ago
And so the battle begins: Danae vs Eckert. Is it possible that Eckert can get so big he’ll explode?
tcolkett over 14 years ago
If only there were such a creature as the Ekert!
Defective Premium Member over 14 years ago
I’m sorry, but this is Danae’s sister’s fault. (I don’t remember her name.) Guess what would have happened if she said nothing, as would have been the polite thing to do? Nothing would have happened! Of course, this isn’t funny, but so MUCH hate is generated in this world because people want to butt in and interfere. Just shut up and keep walking. All you’re gonna do is generate more poop for the Eckert.
Trebor39 over 14 years ago
Keep the Ekert going Wiley.
firedome over 14 years ago
kate had to coerce danae the way she did, otherwise there’d be no punch line to today’s strip!!!
i also agree with those who say “keep the eckert”. there is so much more that can be done with him (it?).
CedarCircle over 14 years ago
Maybe he can be locked up with Richard Simmons.
Biltil Premium Member over 14 years ago
Richard Simmons is Ekert’s secret identity
bmonk over 14 years ago
“Ask not for whom the Ekert grows. It grows for thee.”
ldyhwkd over 14 years ago
@Clark Kent - I’m sorry but AC/DC? Do you mean OCD (obsessive compulsive) or ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit or Attention Deficit Hyperactive)? Premium Member over 14 years ago
And a lot of the AC/DC gang is closeted so they can be rich Repugnicans who vote against gay rights. So much fun when they out themselves.