Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for August 27, 2016
Satchel Pooch: I don't know about this "Supreme cat" character, it doesn't seem very democratic. Satchel Pooch: "Democratic?" Man. cats aren't touchy- retrieve populists like you dogs! We don't have a constitution we have a manifesto! WE ARE CATS! Satchel Pooch: Shouldn't you have a cat-ifesto, then? Bucky Katt: Excuse me. I require to make a call.
Forbin Project over 8 years ago
Uh-oh… who is Bucky calling? Meowsollini? Herman Purring? Meow Tse Fang? Adolf Catlitter? Abraham Lynxin? Winston Furchill? Kitty Amin? Henry Hissinger? Genghis Cat?
Wilde Bill over 8 years ago
Feral Catstro? Queen Elizapuss?
comic4matt over 8 years ago
Cattilla the Hun…
comic4matt over 8 years ago
Napoleon Bonacat,
Army_Nurse over 8 years ago
3rd panel… wheels are turning… simple panel for a lot of action in Buck’s crazy brainpan…
Meledosia over 8 years ago
How about someone more at Bucky’s level like Furless Meuler?
Diat60 over 8 years ago
Wow! Brilliant comments today.
nosirrom over 8 years ago
Kitty Jong-il, Saddam Hissein, Robert Meowgabe, Polecat Pot, Vladipurr Lenin, Ho Chi Manx
ericbutts74 over 8 years ago
Kittty Amin huh huh huh. Good one. Caterine the Great?
Ferret-Fever over 8 years ago
And still “Pussy Galore” reigns supreme.
ChessPirate over 8 years ago
They’re gonna need to catipulate the catuscript to make it more catifestly catly…
whiteaj over 8 years ago
We don’t seem to have a Constitution any more either, thanks to Obama and his “compliant” Congress.
Reed_Komics over 8 years ago
White3260. What are you talking about?
Reed_Komics over 8 years ago
Kyle of Lochalsh. He must be somewhere like Superman’s Bizzaro World…