Uh, lifestyle they are accustomed to? OK, that’s completely bogus. They wouldn’t need the Foundation for that. Their speaking fees alone pay them handsomely. Heck, why do you think that Mike Huckabee stays on the motivational speaking circuit? Speaking fees are worth big bucks if you are in demand.
This strip is so intellectually dishonest I don’t know where to begin. But I can start with point that the idea of using a Black woman to represent ideas so completely harmful to black people is completely callous and cynical. And it’s nothing but downhill from there. Shame on you Stantis
Luxurylife over 8 years ago
And he is going to win the presidency. Get over it.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Yep. Stantis is illiterate. http://www.nationalmemo.com/pay-for-play-the-scandal-is-judicial-watch-misleading-gullible-media/
45Nasrad over 8 years ago
why anyone would even consider voting for crooked Hillary?
kaffekup over 8 years ago
Lucky us. An intelligent, sane, gracious President. But not according to those who see America as a Hellhole. Reality disconnect much?
sevenfeet0 over 8 years ago
Uh, lifestyle they are accustomed to? OK, that’s completely bogus. They wouldn’t need the Foundation for that. Their speaking fees alone pay them handsomely. Heck, why do you think that Mike Huckabee stays on the motivational speaking circuit? Speaking fees are worth big bucks if you are in demand.
nomomaniacs over 8 years ago
This strip is so intellectually dishonest I don’t know where to begin. But I can start with point that the idea of using a Black woman to represent ideas so completely harmful to black people is completely callous and cynical. And it’s nothing but downhill from there. Shame on you Stantis
Suny over 8 years ago
I’m glad I voted for Benny Hill
jmworacle over 8 years ago
If you are a Democrat who proclaims they "cares for ‘the people’ you can get away with anything……………..
jmworacle over 8 years ago
If you are a Democrat who proclaims they "cares for ‘the people’ you can get away with anything……………..
hippogriff over 8 years ago
jmworacleParrots, toddlers, and Republicans don’t know what they are saying, but it gets a response, so they keep saying it over and over.