Close to Home by John McPherson for November 08, 2016

  1. Leprechaun
    oldpine52  about 8 years ago

    Can you hear me now?

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  2. Durandal
    Durandal_1707  about 8 years ago

    I always wanted to (but was too lazy to actually) make a spoof of that ad, wearing dorky glasses and walking around going “Can you hear me now? Shit.” in a bunch of different locales.

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  3. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 8 years ago

    My brother lives on top of a big hill and has horrible reception.

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  4. Aaarrrrggghhhhh
    tom_wright  about 8 years ago

    Or do as I do – never use the frickin’ thing anyways.

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  5. Untitled
    angelfiredragon  about 8 years ago

    Out west, we have horrible cell service no matter where you live, in the mountains. Landlines however have great service and never drop calls, unless connected to a mobile phone.

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  6. Missing large
    tbally57  about 8 years ago

    He better hope that is not a Samsung 7 since it will take a hook-and-ladder fire crew to reach him way up there

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  7. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Can you hear me now??

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