Don’t matter to me, so long as they enforce the current laws…but really, the USA isn’t going to last that long anyways, everyone knows it. It would be a miracle of the country made it to 500 years.
Beware the alliance of roaches!On our free way of life it encroaches!Six millennia henceThey’ll have dapper dress senseWearing ties and blue shirts and nice brooches!
oldpine52 about 8 years ago
I thought they already had.
Partyalldatyme about 8 years ago
Please, no Trump jokes. It would be too obvious.
Plods with ...™ about 8 years ago
Kinda like now.
TossedSaladCartoon about 8 years ago
Right now it’s just rats and snakes!
whiteheron about 8 years ago
Quick! Someone turn on a light!
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member about 8 years ago
And one of their own is now President-elect.
joefearsnothing about 8 years ago
That’s already happened in the Florida state Senate!The majority leader, however is a palmetto bug!
OldGunny about 8 years ago
I knew Nancy Pelosi was a cockroach!
chromosome Premium Member about 8 years ago
Welcome to Joe’s Apartment! Go for the TV short, it’s better than the movie:
angelfiredragon about 8 years ago
Don’t matter to me, so long as they enforce the current laws…but really, the USA isn’t going to last that long anyways, everyone knows it. It would be a miracle of the country made it to 500 years.
MeGoNow Premium Member about 8 years ago
Why, yes. I think that happened in about 1952.
rilla7979 about 8 years ago
Oxnate about 8 years ago
Cockroach lives matter!
SeaFox10 about 8 years ago
We already had eights years of the king cockroach!
red71vert about 8 years ago
Here we are, supposed to be enjoying a cartoon and it ends up with a few libitards still being butthurt over the election.
halvincobbes Premium Member about 8 years ago
You got the date wrong. They’re already here.
ars731 about 8 years ago
whats the difference then?
drnihili about 8 years ago
I think that first 8 should be a 2.
Skylark about 8 years ago
It is said that if the world suffered an Armageddon, the roaches and rats would survive. Why do I get the feeling it’s already started???
Andrew Sleeth about 8 years ago
So no one caught the connection with BrainDead?
Limerick Larry about 8 years ago
Beware the alliance of roaches!On our free way of life it encroaches!Six millennia henceThey’ll have dapper dress senseWearing ties and blue shirts and nice brooches!