How about Hello Kitty and Jurgen Döggen?
Pop is starting to get Bucky’s Brainspasm.
Now for the Main Event “Nietsche’s God v.s. Archimedes ‘Eureka!’”.
Go, Satchel, go!
Sir Terry Pratchett once pointed out that Schroedinger’s Cat had three possible states of existence in the box – Alive, Dead and Bloody Furious.
The irony of the current usage of Schrodinger’s cat being that he proposed the idea to point out the absurdity of the then-current interpretation of quantum theory, not to endorse it.
Snarky McSnarkingtons think Schrodinger’s equation – not curiosity – killed the cat.
ericbutts74 almost 8 years ago
How about Hello Kitty and Jurgen Döggen?
Willywise52 Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Pop is starting to get Bucky’s Brainspasm.
Ferret-Fever almost 8 years ago
Now for the Main Event “Nietsche’s God v.s. Archimedes ‘Eureka!’”.
cubswin2016 almost 8 years ago
Go, Satchel, go!
pauljmsn almost 8 years ago
Sir Terry Pratchett once pointed out that Schroedinger’s Cat had three possible states of existence in the box – Alive, Dead and Bloody Furious.
The Sinistral Bassist Premium Member almost 8 years ago
The irony of the current usage of Schrodinger’s cat being that he proposed the idea to point out the absurdity of the then-current interpretation of quantum theory, not to endorse it.
ericbutts74 almost 8 years ago
Snarky McSnarkingtons think Schrodinger’s equation – not curiosity – killed the cat.