Wow, it always amazes me how many Constitutional experts are here in the comments section of GoComics. I also see a lot of these experts correcting people in the comments section on Facebook… YouTube… Reddit…
As long as no one tries to nullify my vote and suggest they are going to oust the president and VP I voted for if they don’t get their politically correct little way, we’re cool. Keep in mind that between 35 to 52 percent of American households (352,000,000 people live in USA) own guns with a lot of hunters who know how to kill and enjoy killing animals. America is number one followed by Yemen then of all places Switzerland in number of guns owned per capita. Just think, most Vets are conservatives, a lot are homeless, have PTSD or got screwed by the VA, so there are about 2,500,000 potential angry people who were trained to kill, plus active service who are sworn to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION of the USA. Not a good sign for anyone who wants to overthrow the elected president of the USA, so lets calm down and have a reality check. I love America and don’t want anything to happen that entails throwing bodies on pyres to keep disease under control after the insurrection is quelled. I got Grand kids and want peace and prosperity for them. God bless the First and second amendments to the Constitution.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Yeah, Carmen, you gotta be a little more specific. Hell, I can think of at least five people in my own house and only two people live here.
TossedSaladCartoon almost 8 years ago
Wow, it always amazes me how many Constitutional experts are here in the comments section of GoComics. I also see a lot of these experts correcting people in the comments section on Facebook… YouTube… Reddit…
MichaelSFC90 almost 8 years ago
Where Senator Hunny Bunny at? Is she still recovering from the election returns?
Radish... almost 8 years ago
Bannon Admits at CPAC Trump’s Cabinet Nominees Were Selected To Destroy Their Agencies.
Radish... almost 8 years ago
Bannon makes stunning threat to media: We’re going to make it worse for you every day
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Unfortunately this strip is becoming a one trick pony.
Roadrunner Premium Member almost 8 years ago
As long as no one tries to nullify my vote and suggest they are going to oust the president and VP I voted for if they don’t get their politically correct little way, we’re cool. Keep in mind that between 35 to 52 percent of American households (352,000,000 people live in USA) own guns with a lot of hunters who know how to kill and enjoy killing animals. America is number one followed by Yemen then of all places Switzerland in number of guns owned per capita. Just think, most Vets are conservatives, a lot are homeless, have PTSD or got screwed by the VA, so there are about 2,500,000 potential angry people who were trained to kill, plus active service who are sworn to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION of the USA. Not a good sign for anyone who wants to overthrow the elected president of the USA, so lets calm down and have a reality check. I love America and don’t want anything to happen that entails throwing bodies on pyres to keep disease under control after the insurrection is quelled. I got Grand kids and want peace and prosperity for them. God bless the First and second amendments to the Constitution.