I will be interested to see Carmen’s take on present events.
Just impeach him already so we can get on to the next situation where partisan politics and the two ruling parties let us down again
Since it is the Fox in the Hen house there will probably not be any impeachment proceedings for some time if at all. The $Reich Wingers have us by the throat and they like it!
@ NIGHT-GAUNT49 and the Left wingers just hate to lose elections and will do anything to attempt to overturn them.
Scott Stantis
March 20, 2014
September 30, 2017
Darsan54 Premium Member over 7 years ago
I will be interested to see Carmen’s take on present events.
warjoski Premium Member over 7 years ago
Just impeach him already so we can get on to the next situation where partisan politics and the two ruling parties let us down again
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 7 years ago
Since it is the Fox in the Hen house there will probably not be any impeachment proceedings for some time if at all. The $Reich Wingers have us by the throat and they like it!
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 7 years ago
@ NIGHT-GAUNT49 and the Left wingers just hate to lose elections and will do anything to attempt to overturn them.