Heart of the City by Steenz for July 20, 2017
Heart: See, I was just out taking a walk and-- Man: But I asked where dana is. You two are usually together... heart: Oh, dana. that dana. Right, well, she's..she was out too, but she's...she's back in her bunk now, of course... man: Right. well, let's just take a walk over to your cabin and make sure ,shall we? Heart: Why do I get the feeling I'm about to end up in math camp jail? Man: Yessir, that dana can be trouble..you don't have something to tell me, do you?
Templo S.U.D. over 7 years ago
Getting trouble all over the place Heart is.
blunebottle over 7 years ago
Heart, show your concern for Dana’s safety and rat her out.
ShadowBeast Premium Member over 7 years ago
I think the Counselor knows something is up, and wants Heart to do the honest thing and fess up.
jaxradio over 7 years ago
oh come on heart you had a good thing going
JPuzzleWhiz over 7 years ago
Better come clean now, Heart!
Chris Kenworthy over 7 years ago
“Am I my cabin-mate’s keeper?”
Ermine Notyours over 7 years ago
“Huh. She was here when I left. She must have snuck out afterwards.”
stefaninafla over 7 years ago
Ah yes, the ‘ole adult "I’m going to teach you a character lesson". Thing is, it doesn’t work as several studies have proven. Character is learned by observation, not by being put between a rock and a hard place.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer over 7 years ago
Heart can’t catch a break
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
The flow of these strips has been pretty weird. The last panel normally ends on a joke, and here we get the counselor adding an extra line for no reason.