Sadly, it’s not only possible, but likely.
Whoa! That’s ‘next level’ stalking. I’m impressed and frightened all at the same time.
Swat it, it’s just a big bug.
Grab the propeller, the drone spins wildly, Steve gets dizzy and “spills” gazpacho all over himself.
August 21, 2015
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 7 years ago
Sadly, it’s not only possible, but likely.
macky87 over 7 years ago
Whoa! That’s ‘next level’ stalking. I’m impressed and frightened all at the same time.
Nuliajuk over 7 years ago
Swat it, it’s just a big bug.
Jeff0811 over 7 years ago
Grab the propeller, the drone spins wildly, Steve gets dizzy and “spills” gazpacho all over himself.