Endtown by Aaron Neathery for August 30, 2017

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    Oge  over 7 years ago

    Ask for a change of Venue? That should give you some time.

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    contralto2b  over 7 years ago

    Yeah, considering there is no other venue they could go to. At least not to my understanding.

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  3. Bluedoorwaylogo1400
    WorldFusionRadio.com  over 7 years ago

    Hate to praise a lawyer, but his thinking is sound.

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  4. Idano
    Ida No  over 7 years ago

    Sally Tinderbox? I’d like to introduce you to Ralph Safetymatch. Ralph? This is Sally. I hope you both have a hot time together tonight.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Perhaps they could be asked to leave.

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    mr_sherman Premium Member over 7 years ago

    This present arc is about wolf anthros, but what about other carnivore and large herbivore anthros? Wouldn’t similar threats be leveled against them if this was to succeed?

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    Vet Premium Member over 7 years ago

    It starts with one then it will spread. First the wolves, next the big cats, then on and on. Unity must have started down the same path leading to its downfall.

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  8. Olive oyl phooey
    Sir Ruddy Blighter  over 7 years ago

    Ugh! Let’s get back to Wally! Or Flask! Or even Al and Gustine. Heck, even Ed Deadeye! These “internal struggle” storylines aren’t particularly compelling. It’s always been when characters venture OUTSIDE of Endtown that really interesting things happen.

    And, I can’t stress this enough: it’s been established as canon (the September 19, 2016 strip) that THERE IS NO MUTAGENIC VIRUS! Why is no one doing anything about THAT bombshell?

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  9. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 7 years ago

    The truth is Heather was affected by temporary insanity when she killed the wolf. At least, that’s my understanding as a non-lawyer. This story’s really drawing me in.

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  10. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 7 years ago

    The Milk Trial would have jeopardized the well-being of cows, chickens and anyone else capable of providing food (Holly was a mouse, but she knew how to make cheese). The ‘providers’ should have been appreciated since they were saving lives. Think of all the foragers who lost their lives. They were either killed by the Topsiders, or executed for bringing home nothing but canned beans.

    And now we have a situation that could have ‘predators’ expelled from Endtown. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but perhaps this is the type of situation Allgood was trying to prevent. Today, pigs are being killed. I fear chickens will be next if no one solves this mystery.
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  11. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 7 years ago

    There’s a pig within earshot, possibly listening. Maybe Hoss will win her case in a pig’s ear.

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  12. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Looking at yestercomic’s panels again, I realize the wolf IS challenging the others, in a “What are you looking at?” way, because of the way they’re looking at him. And…

    Their pose in the 2nd and 4th panels being nearly identical is intentional for the story, not for convenience. Neither of them moved when challenged. The one difference was the weasel’s eyebrow slightly narrowed, calling the wolf on the challenge. The wolf didn’t expect that, and it spooked him.

    The wolves didn’t choose their mutation or to look threatening, but in six years they’re going to get used to it and take advantage of it at times. They’re probably going “boo” a lot to the mutants who treat them like monsters because they’re invited to by that treatment. With the pig murders in the news, people aren’t tolerating monsters, including those they imagine and those they paint as monsters unfairly. The wolves are going to be taken aback by that, and either back down like Hemingwolf did or push back at being treating as monsters even further.

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    sailorbeefcake  over 7 years ago

    I think the comments in this are showing just how badly some people will react to bad press – people are now theorizing that being mutated (or in the cases of children, BORN) a wolf means that you’re an inherently bad and psychopathic person – even though we’ve seen 0 evidence of any wolf being psychopathic. The two bullies at the start were nasty pieces of work, but actively didn’t seem to know anything about a pig-killing plot. The wolves that messed with Heather were doing so in response to hearing that she violently instigated a fight with a wolf for no reason after screaming about her hatred of them over that other pigs death, and later that she’d killed a wolf and burned her own shop to cover it up. The wolf in the last comic LICKED HIS LIPS in a cafe (and may not have even literally done so!) and people are using it to paint him as a horrible person.

    And, once again, we have 0 evidence showing that any of these wolves know anything about the pigs deaths, and stuff that actively suggests that they don’t – If they were guilty of eating the pigs, then they’d be pretty damn confident in themselves if they actively drew attention by protesting their innocence instead of keeping their heads low. Not to mention that the lawyer here and the two wolves that harassed Portia both actively claim ignorance, too.

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    zorro456  over 7 years ago

    Honestly looks like a false flag operation. Who benefits?

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  15. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 7 years ago

    ThreeStepsOverJapan: Your response to AlienHunter isn’t the first time you’ve been a bit hard on someone having troubles following the story. Rather than get rather preachy, I’ll just say, telling us to leave isn’t helpful.

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  16. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 7 years ago

    Situation at hand: SailorBeefCake states that we have zero evidence that wolves are involved with the pig cannibalism going on. However, he also admits that there instances of have been wolves behaving badly. But his point is well taken that wolves in general have not been behaving suspiciously.

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  17. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 7 years ago

    What bothers me, from Wednesday’s installment, is that apparently, Heather’s trial appears to be scripted with a pre-determined result. That is, we, the readers, know that Heather suffered temporary insanity at the time of the wolf’s death. But the script to play out at the trial will be a wolf attorney claiming self-defense in exchange for admitting that Heather killed the wolf.

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  18. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 7 years ago

    One of you has even gone so far as to suggest that Heather wasn’t even the killer, but may have stumbled across the dead body. An interesting theory, though it would not explain why Heather was found, covered in blood, brick or whatever in hand.

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  19. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 7 years ago

    But the bottom line is, the situation in the colony appears to require a certain outcome of this trial. And it appears that the wheels are being set in motion to make sure that outcome prevails. Regardless of the truth.

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  20. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  over 7 years ago

    Endtown will eat itself.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 7 years ago

    Nice to see someone taking the intelligent approach.

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    Leeds001  over 7 years ago

    I think its possible that the wolves are A; a red herring meant to throw us off the real culprit or B; being managed/manipulated by someone else who we would never expect.

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    Radical Gopher  over 7 years ago

    Where are Officers Hopps and Wilde when you need them… LOL. (Yeah, I know. Wrong jurisdiction.)

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