Prickly City by Scott Stantis for October 04, 2017

  1. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 7 years ago

    How many times is Stantis going to say (through Carmen or Winslow) “lousy candidate,” “didn’t campaign,” and that she blames the “electoral college”? // Remember the 1950s and “payola”? If you play a record enough, it becomes popular? Of course, now radio stations have to pay the record companies to play their records, not the other way around. // A friend of mine in the broadcast business says that that’s a reason talk radio took off – radio stations got tired of paying royalties to record companies that used to pay them to play their records!

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    Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Actually (while I don’t think she campaigned at all well) she has a point about the electoral college. It’s not that uncommon for a POTUS candidate to lose even though more people voted for them.

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  3. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   over 7 years ago

    Trump won by almost -3 million votes;

    with the help of extensive voter suppression in GOP controlled states;

    + Billion dollars in Free media coverage of Trump, his rallies and his tweets;

    After “10” (3 independent, 7 GOP led) taxpayer funded Benghazi investigations that turned up nothing (including the caught on camera admissions of high level GOP pols admitting they only did it to hurt her campaign);

    The Media’s single minded focus on Hillary’s Emails, while jumping, covering, and then moving on from all the Trump non-stop litany of unprofessional, immoral, and illegal conduct;

    A GOP disinformation campaign by the GOP since the days of Nixon;

    The FBI director’s unprofessional editorial comments on why he didn’t bring charges;

    The same FBI director’s Oct 2016 timing of re-opening, and then re-closing the Email investigation with “Oops, sorry…. same emails”;

    Hillary was being investigated publicly , Trump’s Russian collusion investigation was 100% out of the public’s knowledge;

    And of course, Don Trump, Jr’s admission (“If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer.”) and email evidence of the Trump Campaign’s collusion with the Russians.

    “Donald Trump Jr. agreed (to meet with ‘The Russian government lawyer’), adding that he would most likely bring along “Paul Manafort (campaign boss)” and “my brother-in-law,” Jared Kushner, now one of the president’s closest White House advisers.

    Funny thing about some crimes… Sex with an underage boy / girl, terrorist bomb making, espionage, and treason only require the intent and related action(s) to commit the crime. Don Jr provided the email evidence. (And it doesn’t matter in the least if he didn’t know it was a crime.)

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  4. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member over 7 years ago

    If Stantis had actually bothered to read the book, he’d know that she does blame herself. But that doesn’t mean that she’s the only one who did anything wrong.

    Meanwhile, Trump never accepts blame for anything. He’s the one who actually thinks it’s always someone else’s fault.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    The reasons Hillary lost are all of the above listed in the strip. Add to it she has also been the target of a 30 year media smear campaign, implying but not actually proving illegal behavior. And as for the “law” Carmon seems to revere, well it’s a little creation to appease slave states and keep them in the union. Fat lotta good that did.

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    45Nasrad  over 7 years ago

    I’m just glad the witch lost

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    jbmlaw01  over 7 years ago

    Leftists are prone to rewrite history, but some facts are unquestionable. Trump won the popular vote if we exclude California. Because of lax registration and absence of voter i.d. laws, Trump has a plausible complaint – one that leftists certainly do not wish to investigate – when he alleges that illegal aliens affected raw vote totals in California. (I used “illegal” informed, even though I am a free immigrationist.) I would favor using the gun purchase criteria – background checks and photo i.d. – as a minimum step for something as dangerous and pervasive as voting.

    The real question is whether rational people want California to choose the president; most do not. The purpose of the electoral college is to prevent large states from determining which states will be voiceless, a purpose similar to that of the Senate. It would be illogical to abolish the electoral college and retain the Senate.

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    jbmlaw01  over 7 years ago

    One more point, perhaps amusingly, the Constitution does not require a popular vote at all. State legislatures could choose the electors, if they so wished, and not expend the money of a referendum.

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    Radish...   over 7 years ago

    Our belligerent president and totally corrupt republican congress are the most unstable and dangerous force in the world today.

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    Radish...   over 7 years ago

    Republicans let 9 million children lose their health care. And they refuse to even talk about sensible gun laws. Can they get anymore disgusting?

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    Striped Cat  over 7 years ago

    OMG – Can we please stop talking about an election that happened almost a YEAR ago?

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    dmk57  over 7 years ago

    I still have this bizarre idea that the people who get elected should reflect in some way the actual proportion of the people who voted. Up here in the Great White North if you get 40% of the popular vote you get an absolute majority even though 60% of people did not vote for you. Down south where there are only two parties you lose even though more people actually voted for you. I realize its the law in both countries, but it sucks no matter how you look at. The results should reflect how the majority votes period.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Ok what happened is this. Today the Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded Russia did interfere in our presidential election last November. They placed fake ads on Facebook and Twitter to help support Trump and attack Clinton. They did hack into the DNC and Clinton’s emails. What we now have is a constitutional crisis with an illegitimate president. Think about it but we have been attacked by another country where Putin blames the United States for bringing down the former Soviet Union. Now Americans are more divided than ever moving closer by the day to a new Civil War. Take off your partisan blinders and wake up, we’re at War with Russia

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    kaffekup   over 7 years ago

    And they did hack into at least 21 states’ electoral systems. Those states may say they didn’t change anything, but what else would they say?

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    jmworacle  over 7 years ago

    You’re darn right the rules don’t apply! All you have to do is claim you’re for the little guy, are pro abortion, and expet others to pay for helping the poor.

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