Ahhh – the good old days when insurance actually did pay for it all.
It’s excesses like this that have lead to the bad new days when everybody has big$ deductibles and ends up paying $thousands before anything gets covered by insurance.
On the other hand, the care shown up to the smootch would these days be considered “a proceedure” and cost $hundreds anyway. That’s why I take care of all my boo-boos on my own, and if at all possible perform my own minor surgeries. If only I could prescribe antibiotics to myself as well, but one still has to pay through the nose for a subscription – $150 for the right to buy $5 worth of antibiotic to fix the problem.
johnec almost 6 years ago
Ahhh – the good old days when insurance actually did pay for it all.
It’s excesses like this that have lead to the bad new days when everybody has big$ deductibles and ends up paying $thousands before anything gets covered by insurance.
On the other hand, the care shown up to the smootch would these days be considered “a proceedure” and cost $hundreds anyway. That’s why I take care of all my boo-boos on my own, and if at all possible perform my own minor surgeries. If only I could prescribe antibiotics to myself as well, but one still has to pay through the nose for a subscription – $150 for the right to buy $5 worth of antibiotic to fix the problem.