Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for October 16, 2017

  1. Gmm mythical
    LINK_O_NEAL  about 7 years ago

    I would trust that dog more than my dog.

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  2. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 7 years ago

    Where did Fido there get his degree I wonder.

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  3. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  about 7 years ago

    I refuse to fly anywhere with my emotional support rhinoceros.

    Dennis is such a comfort.

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  4. Tumblr m8cvuqinuu1r0mvk8o9 250
    jimmjonzz Premium Member about 7 years ago

    A Freudian slip has been defined as when you say one thing but mean your mother. The mother line in the above strip is cliché, but is acceptable because it’s so funny and so relatable. One variant has the shrink listen to the patient’s discussion of his/her difficulties without reference to Mom. Then the doctor asks bluntly, “How long have you hated your mother?”

    My favorite line in the book “Portnoy’s Complaint” is the last sentence, it is the funniest line I’ve ever encountered relative to psychotherapy.

    SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t read the book but might, this line is pretty much the surprise twist that you might not want to know in advance. Otherwise, proceed.

    After a book-length, exceedingly detailed monologue about his many psychological difficulties, with not a single word of comment from the psychiatrist he is addressing, the doctor finally speaks the last line… “Now vee may perhaps to begin."
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  5. Zoso1
    Arianne  about 7 years ago

    “If it’s not one thing, it’s your mother.”

    (Robin Williams as Dr. Kosevich in “Nine Months.”)

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  6. Zoso1
    Arianne  about 7 years ago

    If dogs could talk!

    Dogs are so selfless, they put the “you” in “therapeutic.”

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  7. Desron14
    Masterskrain  about 7 years ago

    Pig would be better off talking to Guard Duck!

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  8. Black lion
    PICTO  about 7 years ago

    She made great bacon sandwiches until she was all gone…

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  9. Missing large
    nopainogain  about 7 years ago

    oh great, its a freudian therapy dog. get a newer one.

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  10. Missing large
    Fred  about 7 years ago

    this is ruff…

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  11. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 7 years ago

    “She was such a ham. She ended up as a Hot Dog.”

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    Cameron1988 Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Oh I hope this goes on for the whole week

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  13. Avatar92
    David Rickard Premium Member about 7 years ago

    My mother? I’ll tell you about my mother:

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  14. Desron14
    Masterskrain  about 7 years ago


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  15. Missing large
    nufalready  about 7 years ago

    Pig’s mother was known for makin’ bacon.

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  16. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  about 7 years ago

    This dog was Pig’s second choice; his first was one of those that wear a white T-shirt, stay drunk, and shoot a rifle at anyone who looks different. You know, a border collie.

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  17. Smokeystover  2
    gbars70  about 7 years ago

    Pastis may have gone to the well once too often; this is “Pooch Cafe” humor.

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  18. Cat
    onespiceybbw  about 7 years ago

    Since when does a dog have to be “trained” to provide comfort and affection?

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  19. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 7 years ago

    What a perfect strip.


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  20. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 7 years ago

    Little pipsqueak yappy dog couldn’t make it in any other doggy profession!

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  21. 20231014 093035
    ND Cool Z  about 6 years ago

    Tell me about YO MAMA!!

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