Read the News Paper! Yes, it’s a day late; yes, the selection of stories still reflects the editors bias. But over-all you get more researched and more balanced news. And, reading at your own pace, you can think over what you read and separate the facts from whatever bias might be present.
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator about 7 years ago
Here’s the link to the original art:
Copy and paste or highlight the link and right click to go to the page. Thanks!
electricshadow Premium Member about 7 years ago
Our emperor has taught you well.
Funny_Ha_Ha about 7 years ago
Don’t even try to to start a conspiracy theory, Melania’s breasts are real.
jrankin1959 about 7 years ago
News that I watch anymore… none.
Plods with ...™ about 7 years ago
He’s almost got the orange part right.
P51Strega about 7 years ago
Read the News Paper! Yes, it’s a day late; yes, the selection of stories still reflects the editors bias. But over-all you get more researched and more balanced news. And, reading at your own pace, you can think over what you read and separate the facts from whatever bias might be present.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 7 years ago
In the case of Beloved Leader, the wording is rearranged a bit, “News that agrees with me – Real. News that doesn’t – Fake”
Charlie Tuba about 7 years ago
Funny? That doesn’t look like Donald Trump.
Charlie Tuba about 7 years ago
I remember when “The Daily Show” called themselves “Fake News.” Now they are more REAL than “Fox News.”
braindead Premium Member about 7 years ago
His Disciples believe Trump when he claims to have invented the word ‘fake’.
Like when he invented that ‘priming the pump’ phrase.
coltish1 about 7 years ago
Clark, put your glasses back on, straighten your hair, and get back to the city desk.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 7 years ago
Watch what other countries are reporting, it’s less biased about US politics. They have a distanced perspective.
sam.adams.15 about 7 years ago
Lustig, keep away the political stuff, otherwise you’ll alienate readers. Your fans are here for the sexy stuff. Keep with that.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 7 years ago
John, I’ve followed you for a while now. Mind if I call you “Lusty” in keeping with the overarching theme of your oh-so-delightful comics?
washatkc about 7 years ago
Funny how your side is the one that keeps getting busted for false news stories but you keep blaming Fox. Hypocrites are funny little people.